Understanding the Role of Property Managers in Commercial Real Estate

In the dynamic world of commercial real estate, property managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and profitability of properties. At Level Property Management Group, we understand that managing commercial properties is not just about maintaining buildings but also about maximizing investment returns and enhancing tenant satisfaction. Here’s an in-depth look at the vital role property managers play in commercial real estate.

Ensuring Property Maintenance and Upkeep

One of the primary responsibilities of a property manager is to ensure that the commercial property is well-maintained. This involves regular inspections, maintenance and repairs. A well-maintained property not only retains its value but also attracts and retains tenants. At Level Property Management Group, our experienced team conducts routine inspections and coordinates with reliable contractors to handle maintenance issues promptly, ensuring that the property remains in excellent condition.

Tenant Relations and Retention

In addition to maintenance and upkeep, effective tenant relations are essential for the success of any commercial property. Property managers serve as the primary point of contact for tenants, addressing their concerns and ensuring their needs are met. This includes handling lease agreements, collecting rent and resolving disputes. At Level Property Management Group, we prioritize tenant satisfaction which in turn leads to higher tenant retention rates and a steady income stream for property owners.

Financial Management and Reporting

A significant aspect of property management is financial oversight. Property managers are responsible for budgeting, accounting and financial reporting. This includes tracking income and expenses, preparing financial statements and ensuring that all financial obligations are met. Our team at Level Property Management Group provides detailed financial reports to property owners, offering transparency and insights into the financial performance of their investment.

Marketing and Leasing

Attracting and securing tenants is a critical function of property management. Property managers are responsible for marketing the property, showing it to potential tenants and negotiating lease agreements. Effective marketing strategies and a thorough understanding of the local real estate market are essential for filling vacancies quickly and at optimal rental rates. Level Property Management Group leverages its extensive local knowledge and industry expertise to market properties effectively and secure high-quality tenants.

Legal Compliance and Risk Management

Navigating the complex legal landscape of commercial real estate requires expertise and diligence. Property managers must ensure that the property complies with all local, state and federal regulations. This includes adhering to zoning laws, building codes and health and safety regulations. Additionally, property managers play a vital role in risk management by implementing safety protocols and addressing potential hazards. At Level Property Management Group, we stay abreast of all regulatory changes and ensure that our properties comply with all legal requirements, minimizing risks for property owners.

Strategic Planning and Investment Advice

Beyond the day-to-day management, property managers also provide strategic planning and investment advice. This involves evaluating market trends, advising on property improvements and identifying opportunities for increasing property value and income. Our team at Level Property Management Group works closely with property owners to develop long-term strategies that align with their investment goals.

In summary, property managers are indispensable in the commercial real estate sector, handling a wide range of tasks from maintenance and tenant relations to financial management and legal compliance. At Level Property Management Group, we provide top-notch property management services that protect and enhance your investment. With over 15 years of experience serving the Alabama Gulf Coast, we have the local knowledge and industry expertise to meet all your property management needs. Contact us today at 251.210.1664 or visit us at 7472 Parker Rd., Fairhope, AL to learn more about how we can help you achieve your property goals.

Common Property Management Problems and How to Solve Them

Property management is a rewarding yet challenging field, with a diverse set of issues that require strategic solutions. At Level Property Management Group, we recognize these challenges and offer effective strategies to tackle them. Here’s a look at common property management problems and our recommended approaches to solving them.

High Turnover Rates

High turnover rates can be financially draining. To enhance tenant retention, focus on tenant satisfaction through excellent customer service, prompt response to concerns and incentives for lease renewals. Regular property maintenance is also key to keeping tenants happy and inclined to stay longer.

Upkeep Challenges

Effective maintenance is crucial in property management. Implement a proactive maintenance schedule, conduct regular inspections and address issues promptly. Utilize property management software to streamline processes and ensure timely repairs, or consider outsourcing to reliable contractors.

Rent Collection Problems

To ensure consistent cash flow, set clear rent collection policies from the start. Automate rent collection for efficiency and communicate openly with tenants about payment expectations. Offering flexible payment options can also be beneficial in certain situations.

Communication Hurdles

Effective communication is vital to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Establish transparent communication channels, leveraging technology like property management apps for efficiency. Keep tenants and owners regularly updated and be responsive to their queries and concerns.

Compliance and Legal Issues

Staying compliant with regulations is essential. Stay informed about legal changes, regularly review and update lease agreements, and consider consulting with real estate legal professionals to mitigate risks and ensure full compliance.

Property Security Concerns

Invest in robust security measures to protect your tenants and property. This includes quality locks, surveillance cameras, adequate lighting and regular security assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Budget Constraints

Manage limited budgets effectively by prioritizing expenditures and considering long-term cost-saving measures like energy-efficient upgrades. Building an emergency fund and negotiating cost-effective solutions with vendors can also help manage finances more effectively.

At Level Property Management Group, we understand the complexities of property management and are dedicated to providing effective solutions. Whether you are an investor, residential owner, commercial owner or part of an HOA, we have the expertise and resources to help streamline and optimize your property management experience. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

The Comprehensive Guide to Tenant Screening: Ensuring the Right Fit for Your Property

At Level Property Management Group, we recognize the critical importance of meticulously screening tenants to find those who are not just tenants but valuable, reliable members of the community. Tenant screening is more than a process; it’s a journey towards ensuring a perfect match between tenants and properties.

Why Tenant Screening Matters

Tenant screening is crucial for safeguarding your property, building a thriving community and ensuring a beneficial relationship for both parties. It allows us to explore an applicant’s background, financial stability and rental history, ensuring they are the right fit.

The Components of Tenant Screening

  • Application Forms: The first step involves collecting detailed information through application forms. These forms gather personal information, employment history, references and rental history, which sets the stage for the screening process.
  • Credit Checks: A credit check is key to understanding an applicant’s financial responsibility. It provides insights into their debt-to-income ratio, payment patterns and any outstanding debts. This step is crucial in assessing their ability to meet rent obligations.
  • Background Checks: For the safety and security of our properties and tenants, we conduct comprehensive background checks. This step helps us ensure that we are creating a safe community environment.
  • Rental History Verification: Understanding an applicant’s past rental behavior, which includes payment consistency and property maintenance, is vital. This helps us predict their future actions as a tenant.

Our Screening Methodology

Our tenant screening process is designed to be both comprehensive and efficient. Our team meticulously reviews each application, verifying the provided information against our criteria, ensuring a thorough assessment without delays.

Balancing Rigor with Fairness

While our screening is rigorous, we also uphold fairness and compliance with Fair Housing Laws. Our criteria are transparent and uniformly applied to all applicants, ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

The Importance of a Qualified Tenant

A qualified tenant is more than just a punctual rent payer. They contribute positively to the community, respect property and help foster a cooperative atmosphere. Our screening process is tailored to identify individuals who align with our vision for harmonious living.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Our dedication at Level Property Management Group goes beyond managing properties. We strive to create vibrant, secure and welcoming communities, and our tenant screening process is integral to this mission.

Join Our Community

Looking for a property management group that values tenant welfare, property upkeep and community harmony? Join us at Level Property Management Group and experience the impact of a well-crafted tenant screening process.Contact us today to learn more about our properties and our commitment to fostering thriving communities through responsible tenant selection.

5 Things Every HOA Board Needs to Know with Level Property Management

Managing a Homeowners Association (HOA) is a substantial responsibility that requires a nuanced approach. While every HOA is unique, there are universal best practices that can make the role of an HOA board much smoother. Here are five key things every HOA board needs to know, and how Level Property Management can assist you in each area.

1. Understand Your Legal Obligations

One of the fundamental tasks of an HOA board is to understand and comply with federal, state and local laws, as well as the community’s governing documents. Failing to do so could lead to legal repercussions. Level Property Management can help you navigate these complexities, ensuring that you’re always in compliance.

2. Effective Financial Management

Budgeting, bookkeeping and financial reporting are not everyone’s forte, but they are crucial for the long-term viability of an HOA. Whether it’s collecting dues or handling unexpected costs, proper financial management is crucial. Our team can manage these aspects for you offering transparent reporting.

3. Communication is Key

Transparent and consistent communication can solve many potential conflicts before they escalate. HOA boards need to communicate clearly and regularly with residents. Level Property Management offers several platforms that make this process straightforward, from regular newsletters to online portals.

4. Vendor Management

HOAs frequently work with third-party vendors for services like landscaping, maintenance and security. Properly vetting, hiring and managing these vendors is essential. With our extensive network of trusted vendors and experience in contract negotiation, we can take this task off your plate entirely.

5. Conflict Resolution

Disagreements among residents or between residents and the board are inevitable. Knowing how to handle these situations professionally can make the difference between a minor hiccup and a major issue. Level Property Management has years of experience in successful conflict resolution, helping to maintain a peaceful community environment.

Managing an HOA involves a diverse set of skills, from legal expertise to financial acumen. With Level Property Management, you can count on professional guidance in each of these critical areas. Our services cover everything from routine property inspections and vendor management to legal compliance and conflict resolution, making your role as an HOA board member that much easier.

For more insights and support tailored to your HOA’s specific needs, contact Level Property Management today. Our team of experts is here to ensure your community thrives, leaving you more time to focus on making your HOA the best it can be.

7 Things Professional Property Managers Do to Make Landlords Lives Easier

Owning a rental property can be an excellent investment, but it also comes with its share of headaches and challenges. That’s where professional property managers like Level Property Management come into play. From screening tenants to handling emergency repairs, here are seven things a professional property management team can do to make a landlord’s life significantly easier.

1. Comprehensive Tenant Screening

Finding the right tenant can make or break your rental experience. Professional property managers employ a comprehensive screening process that includes background checks, credit scores and employment verification to ensure you get a responsible and reliable tenant.

2. Timely Rent Collection

Cash flow is crucial in any investment, and rent is no exception. With an efficient system for collecting rent and mitigating the risks associated with late or missed payments, a property manager ensures that your revenue stream remains consistent.

3. Regular Property Inspections

Routine inspections help in the early identification of issues that could potentially become big problems. A professional property manager will schedule these for you and provide reports, keeping your property in top condition and ensuring tenant satisfaction.

4. Maintenance and Repairs

Whether it’s a burst pipe in the middle of the night or regular upkeep, maintenance is an unavoidable aspect of property ownership. Property managers have a network of trusted professionals they can call on for quick, cost-effective repairs.

5. Legal Compliance and Documentation

From drawing up a rock-solid lease agreement to understanding local and federal housing laws, a property manager will help ensure that you’re in full compliance with all legal requirements, thus minimizing your risk of potential legal disputes.

6. Marketing and Advertising

Vacancies are a landlord’s worst enemy. Professional property managers are skilled in marketing your property through multiple channels, including digital platforms, to minimize vacancies and attract the highest quality tenants.

7. Handling Tenant Turnover

When a tenant leaves, there’s much to do, from inspecting the property for damages to preparing it for the next tenant. A property manager can streamline this process for you, making it as smooth as possible and ensuring your property is back on the market quickly.

Owning a rental property doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor filled with late-night repair calls and complicated legalities. With a professional property management company like Level Property Management, landlords can enjoy the financial benefits of property ownership without the operational headaches. Our comprehensive range of services includes regular property inspections, efficient rent collection, legal compliance and much more. With Level Property Management, you can rest easy knowing that your investment is in capable hands. For more information about how Level Property Management can simplify your life as a landlord, feel free to contact us today.

Maximizing Commercial Property Investment Returns with Level Property Management

Commercial real estate investments hold significant potential for substantial returns. However, realizing this potential demands expert management, strategic planning and continual oversight. At Level Property Management, we specialize in commercial property management and are dedicated to maximizing your returns. Here’s how we achieve this in partnership with our clients:

1. Strategic Leasing Strategies:

Finding the right tenants is vital to stable revenue streams. We focus on targeting potential tenants that match your property’s profile, conducting thorough background checks and negotiating leases that protect your interests while offering fair terms.

2. Efficient Operations Management:

From routine maintenance to emergency repairs, effective property management requires constant attention. We provide timely, cost-effective maintenance solutions, work with trusted vendors and ensure that your property always reflects high standards of quality and safety.

3. Financial Acumen:

Our financial experts handle budgeting, forecasting, accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial reporting with precision. Transparency and diligence in financial management safeguard your investment and provide clear insights into your property’s performance.

4. Market Analysis and Positioning:

Understanding the local commercial real estate market is essential for setting competitive rents and recognizing opportunities for growth. We continually analyze market trends to position your property effectively and identify opportunities for increased revenue.

5. Utilizing Technology:

Modern property management leverages technology for efficiency and customer satisfaction. We use cutting-edge software for streamlined operations, ranging from tenant applications to online rent payments, maintenance requests and detailed reporting.

6. Responsive Tenant Relations:

Satisfied tenants are more likely to renew leases, reducing turnover costs. We prioritize tenant satisfaction, responding promptly to inquiries or concerns and creating an environment where businesses feel supported and valued.

7. Risk Management:

Proper insurance coverage, adherence to local regulations and proactive safety measures minimize potential legal and financial risks. We closely manage these aspects to protect your investment.

8. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:

Implementing sustainable practices and energy-efficient upgrades can attract environmentally conscious tenants and reduce operating costs. We explore and apply solutions that align with sustainability goals, enhancing your property’s appeal.

9. Capital Improvement Planning:

Strategic capital improvements can significantly increase property value and attract higher-paying tenants. We work with owners to plan and implement improvements that make sense for their budget and long-term goals.


Maximizing commercial property investment returns is a complex, multifaceted endeavor. It requires expert knowledge, hands-on management and a commitment to excellence in every aspect of property management. At Level Property Management, we bring these qualities to every property we manage.With our tailored approach, deep understanding of local markets and commitment to client success, we strive to turn your commercial property into a thriving, profitable investment. Contact Level Property Management today to discover how our experienced team can drive success for your commercial real estate in Baldwin County, AL, or wherever your investments may be. Let us help you realize the full potential of your commercial property investment. Experience the Level difference.

What Does It Take to Manage an HOA in Baldwin County, AL?

Managing an HOA (Homeowners Association) is a multifaceted task that requires attention to detail, organizational skills and a deep understanding of the community’s needs and laws. In the beautiful setting of Baldwin County, AL, these requirements take on unique characteristics shaped by local regulations, community expectations and the area’s distinct culture. Here’s what it takes to manage an HOA in Baldwin County:

1. Understanding Local Regulations and Compliance:

Baldwin County has specific rules and regulations governing HOAs, including registration, disclosures and meeting conduct. An HOA manager must be fully aware of these regulations and ensure that the association operates within legal boundaries.

2. Strategic Financial Management:

Budgeting, setting dues, managing reserves and financial reporting are all vital tasks. An HOA manager in Baldwin County must be proficient in handling finances to ensure long-term stability and community growth.

3. Maintenance and Upkeep:

Regular inspections and maintenance of common areas, including pools, recreation centers and landscaping, are paramount. Effective maintenance strategies keep the community attractive and functional, adding to property values.

4. Community Engagement and Communication:

Fostering a sense of community is essential. Effective communication strategies, including newsletters, social media and regular meetings, help create a connected and engaged community.

5. Dispute Resolution:

Conflicts are inevitable, but handling them with fairness, transparency and adherence to HOA guidelines ensures harmony within the community.

6. Adaptation to Local Culture and Environment:

Baldwin County’s unique climate, geography and culture impact community needs and expectations. From landscape maintenance to cultural events, the HOA manager must tailor strategies to reflect local characteristics.

7. Vendor Management:

Selecting and supervising vendors for various community services requires negotiation skills, oversight and the ability to balance cost and quality.

8. Risk Management:

Adequate insurance coverage, compliance with safety regulations and emergency preparedness all play a vital role in protecting the community and its assets.

9. Utilizing Technology:

Modern HOAs embrace technology for efficient communication, record-keeping and management, enhancing both transparency and efficiency.

10. Emphasizing Sustainability:

Sustainable practices resonate with many Baldwin County residents. Implementing energy-efficient measures and eco-friendly landscaping reflects a forward-thinking community approach.

Managing an HOA in Baldwin County, AL, is a dynamic and demanding task that requires a comprehensive understanding of financial management, local regulations, community engagement and a myriad of other responsibilities. It’s about creating a thriving community where residents feel connected, valued and satisfied.Level Property Management has the local expertise, commitment and a proven track record in Baldwin County, AL, to take on these challenges. With our team’s hands-on approach, we ensure that each community we manage reflects excellence, compliance and a sense of belonging. Trust Level Property Management to deliver tailored solutions that meet your HOA’s specific needs, reinforcing its attractiveness, functionality and value in Baldwin County. Experience the Level difference today.

Mastering Tenant Retention: Proven Strategies to Keep Long-Term Tenants Happy

Tenant retention is a critical aspect of successful property management. The ability to retain long-term tenants not only provides a consistent revenue stream but also reduces costs associated with tenant turnover, such as advertising, screening and potential property upgrades. 

Here are key strategies to keep your long-term tenants happy and invested in your property.

  • Prompt and Effective Communication: Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, including that between a landlord and tenant. Respond to queries or concerns promptly and professionally. Transparency and respect go a long way in fostering a positive relationship with your tenants.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Don’t wait for things to break down. Regular property inspections and proactive maintenance show tenants that you care about their living conditions and the property’s upkeep. A home in good repair is a significant incentive for tenants to extend their lease.
  • Respect Privacy: Respect your tenant’s privacy and adhere strictly to the legal notice periods before visiting the property. A landlord who values their tenants’ privacy creates a living environment where tenants feel comfortable and respected.
  • Regular Upgrades: Regularly upgrade property features and appliances to show your commitment to providing a high-quality living environment. Simple improvements like fresh paint or upgraded appliances can greatly enhance tenant satisfaction and encourage lease renewal.
  • Appreciate Your Tenants: Small gestures of appreciation can make a big difference. Consider sending a holiday card or a small gift on lease renewal anniversaries. This not only shows your appreciation but also strengthens your relationship with your tenants.
  • Responsive to Feedback: Be open to feedback from your tenants. They might have valuable suggestions for improving the property or enhancing the community’s livability. Acting on such feedback can enhance tenant satisfaction and encourage long-term tenancy.
  • Offer Incentives for Renewal: Consider offering incentives for lease renewals, such as a small discount on rent or a complimentary cleaning service. These gestures show your appreciation for their tenancy and may tip the scales in favor of renewal.
  • Foster a Sense of Community: If you’re managing a multi-family property, fostering a sense of community can greatly enhance tenant retention. Regular community events or an online forum can provide opportunities for social connection and community engagement.

In essence, tenant retention is all about ensuring your tenants feel valued, comfortable and satisfied. By adopting these strategies, landlords can cultivate a positive landlord-tenant relationship, increase tenant loyalty and ultimately, secure long-term profitability for their rental property.

At Level Property Management, we understand that mastering tenant retention is not merely about policies and practices, but about creating a genuine connection with tenants. Our approach is shaped around the needs and satisfaction of both landlords and tenants. With our proactive maintenance, regular property inspections and responsive communication, we ensure that properties are not just well-maintained, but also feel like home. We go beyond the standard landlord responsibilities, offering regular upgrades and incentives that reinforce our commitment to tenant satisfaction. Whether it’s fostering a sense of community or being responsive to feedback, we consider every detail that contributes to long-term tenant happiness. With Level Property Management, you have a partner who cares about your tenants as much as you do, employing proven strategies to enhance tenant retention and create a thriving community. Experience the Level difference and let us help you transform your property into a place where tenants are not just retained but truly delighted.

The Proactive Landlord: The Importance of Quarterly Property Inspections

As a landlord, safeguarding your investment should be a top priority, and quarterly property inspections are a vital tool in your arsenal. Conducting these inspections not only helps to protect your property but also ensures the safety and satisfaction of your tenants. Here’s why quarterly property inspections are crucial for every landlord.

  • Preventive Maintenance: Quarterly inspections allow you to identify and address minor maintenance issues before they escalate into costly repairs or replacements. From a leaky faucet to a broken window latch, catching these problems early can save a lot of time, hassle and money.
  • Property Value Preservation: A well-maintained property holds its value better over time. Quarterly inspections, coupled with prompt maintenance, ensure the property remains in a good state of repair, thereby preserving its market value.
  • Lease Compliance: Quarterly inspections can also verify that tenants are complying with the terms of their lease. This could include restrictions on smoking, pet ownership or unapproved modifications to the property. If any violations are found, they can be addressed promptly.
  • Tenant Satisfaction: Inspections are also a chance to check in with your tenants. You can ask if they’re experiencing any issues or if there are any repairs needed that haven’t been reported. This proactive approach can enhance tenant satisfaction and retention.
  • Safety Assurance: Quarterly property inspections ensure the safety features of your property, such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, are functioning correctly. Checking these items quarterly is not just a legal responsibility; it’s a matter of safeguarding your tenants’ lives.
  • Legal Protection: If a dispute arises, documented property inspections provide a record of the property’s condition and any steps taken to address issues. This can be invaluable in protecting your interests during legal proceedings.
  • Insurance Requirements: Some insurance policies require quarterly property inspections. Failure to comply can result in coverage being voided or claims being denied. Check your policy to understand any inspection requirements.
  • Peace of Mind: Finally, quarterly inspections provide peace of mind. You’ll have the confidence that your property is being well-cared for, maintaining its value and providing a safe and comfortable home for your tenants.

In conclusion, quarterly property inspections are a critical aspect of successful property management. They facilitate preventive maintenance, lease compliance and safety assurance while preserving the property’s value and enhancing tenant satisfaction. It’s an investment of time that pays dividends in the long run.

Level Property Management takes the importance of quarterly property inspections to a higher level by implementing a systematic maintenance program tailored to your unique needs. Our flexibility in crafting a maintenance schedule that fits your needs emphasizes our commitment to enhancing the appeal and functionality of your property. Trust Level Property Management with the quarterly inspections and maintenance of your property. Our proactive, detail-oriented approach ensures that every aspect of your property resonates with quality and care, reinforcing the satisfaction of both landlords and tenants. Experience the benefits of quarterly maintenance with Level Property Management, and let us help you maintain a valuable and inviting community.

The Art of Property Presentation: Landlord Strategies for Enhancing Rental Appeal

As property landlords, the objective is clear: to attract reliable, long-term tenants who will treat the property with respect. A fundamental aspect of achieving this goal is the property presentation itself. This not only draws potential tenants but also contributes to tenant satisfaction over time. Here are key strategies to enhance the appeal and liveability of your rental property.

Cleanliness and Maintenance: The foundation of a well-presented rental property is its cleanliness and upkeep. An immaculately maintained property signals respect towards prospective tenants, demonstrating that you value their comfort. It also sets a standard for how the property should be treated, potentially encouraging better care from tenants.

Neutral Décor: Decor plays a significant role in shaping a property’s ambiance. To cater to a wide range of tastes, consider using neutral palettes and minimalist designs. This not only broadens your property’s appeal but also allows tenants to envision their personal belongings in the space, making them more likely to consider it as their potential home.

High-Quality Fixtures and Appliances: The quality of fixtures and appliances within your rental property speaks volumes about your commitment as a landlord. Superior quality items not only enhance the tenant’s living experience but also signal that you prioritize their comfort and convenience. In addition, high-quality fixtures and appliances often demand less frequent maintenance, optimizing property management efficiency.

Considered Amenities: Small conveniences can make a big difference. In-unit laundry facilities, ample storage space, assigned parking or a private outdoor space, if available, significantly increase the property’s attractiveness. These added amenities can differentiate your property in a competitive market, potentially justifying a higher rental rate.

Attractive Exterior: First impressions count, and the property’s exterior is the first thing a prospective tenant will see. Ensure your property’s exterior is well-maintained and inviting – neat landscaping, well-kept entrance areas and clear pathways can greatly enhance the property’s overall appeal.

Effective Communication: Finally, professionalism isn’t just about the physical property; it also pertains to your dealings with potential and existing tenants. Prompt, transparent and respectfulism as a landlord and contributes significantly to a tenant’s overall satisfaction.

To sum up, presenting a well-maintained, attractively decorated rental property with thoughtful amenities and professional landlord communication can significantly enhance your property’s appeal to prospective tenants. It’s about raising the standard and offering a space that’s more than a rental – it’s a potential home.

Unlocking Potential: The Benefits of Professional Property Management for Residential Investors

For residential property investors, managing an investment property goes beyond just owning it. The real challenge lies in the day-to-day operations, timely maintenance and the fulfillment of legal obligations. Level Property Management (Level PMG), a leader in this field, understands the intricacies of property management and aims to transform this strenuous process into a hassle-free experience for investors.

Investment property ownership is a lucrative venture but without a professional touch, it can quickly become a nerve-wracking experience. Tackling tenant concerns, conducting regular property maintenance, ensuring timely rent collection and managing legal procedures require expertise, time and energy. This is where Level PMG comes into play. Offering comprehensive property management services, we ensure your investment yields the highest possible returns while eliminating the associated headaches.

One significant advantage of employing Level PMG is the assurance of meticulous tenant selection. Our rigorous screening process ensures only qualified tenants occupy your property, reducing potential risks of property damage, default in rent payments and legal complications. By entrusting your property to us, you significantly minimize the chances of problematic tenancies.

Maintenance and repairs are other critical aspects that demand regular attention. With Level PMG’s network of reliable contractors, you no longer have to worry about emergency calls in the middle of the night or finding a dependable handyman on a Sunday afternoon. We ensure that all issues are promptly addressed, maintaining the condition of your property and the satisfaction of your tenants.

Rent collection can often be a delicate process, more so if relationships between landlords and tenants become strained. Level PMG employs a systematic and professional approach to rent collection. Our efficient systems facilitate timely payments and handle defaulters, relieving property owners of this demanding responsibility.

Legal matters pertaining to property management can be complex and exhausting for individual investors. We at Level PMG ensure adherence to all local and state laws, helping you steer clear of potential legal disputes. Our in-depth understanding of property laws shields you from unnecessary complications and expenses.

In essence, Level Property Management serves as the backbone for residential investors. Our professional services save you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most – building your property portfolio and maximizing your return on investment. With Level PMG, the benefits are tangible: lower vacancies, consistent rent collection, minimized legal issues and overall improved return on your investment.

In today’s competitive rental market, smart investors recognize the importance of professional property management. It is no longer an add-on service but a necessity for maximizing the potential of your investment property. With Level PMG, you not only hire a property manager but gain a partner committed to the financial success of your property.

Whether you’re a seasoned residential investor or new to the market, choosing Level Property Management signifies a step toward stress-free and profitable property investment. Let us manage your property as we would our own, with diligence, precision and utmost professionalism.


Keeping your home and investments safe helps maintain their value. This is important if you plan to sell your property or liquidate your investments in the future. Knowing that your home and investments are secure can provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on other areas of your life.

It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, especially if you have valuable items or possessions that hold sentimental value. It also helps tenants feel at ease in your rental.

In this blog, we will mention top tips that will help you secure your home and investment.

Understand the Law

Understanding the land law can help landlords draft legally binding tenancy agreements that protect their interests and rights as property owners. A well-drafted tenancy agreement can help prevent tenant disputes while providing a legal framework for addressing issues such as rent increases, repairs, and security deposits.

Landlords who want to sell or transfer their property must follow the legal requirements such as obtaining the necessary permits, complying with zoning regulations, and transferring the property title. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in delays or legal disputes.

Prioritize Safety

Tenants who feel safe and secure in their living environment are more likely to be satisfied with their tenancy and renew their lease. This can help reduce turnover and vacancy rates, ultimately benefiting the landlord’s bottom line.

Landlords prioritizing safety are more likely to have a positive reputation among tenants and the community. This can help attract quality tenants and improve the landlord’s business prospects.

Overall, prioritizing safety is important for landlords who want to comply with legal requirements, maintain tenant satisfaction, prevent property damage, protect their reputation, and minimize liability.

In order to prioritize safety, landlords can install cameras, ensure that all the locks work on the doors, and secure all the entrances and exits.

Be Transparent

Transparency helps build trust between landlords and tenants. When landlords are open and honest with tenants, it can help foster positive relationships and improve communication. This can be particularly important in situations where repairs or maintenance issues need to be addressed.

Transparency can improve tenant satisfaction by providing tenants with clear expectations and information. This can reduce misunderstandings and disputes, which can help maintain a positive tenant-landlord relationship.

By maintaining a positive relationship with your tenant, they are more likely to openly communicate with you. If there’s a problem with the unit. In turn, you can ensure that the property is not damaged.

Consider Trustworthy Insurance

Landlords can face significant financial losses if their property is damaged due to natural disasters, fires, or other unforeseen events. Landlord insurance can provide coverage for property damage, which helps landlords recover their losses and protect their investments.

Landlords who rely solely on rental income to pay their mortgage or other expenses can face financial difficulties if their property becomes uninhabitable, is damaged, or faces other issues. Landlord insurance can provide rental income protection, helping landlords cover their expenses until their property is repaired and ready for occupancy.

Overall, purchasing trustworthy house insurance is important for landlords who want to protect their investment, minimize their financial risks, and comply with legal and mortgage requirements.

Maintain Good Neighborhood Relationships

Good relationships with neighbors can help protect the property. Neighbors who are familiar with the property and have a positive relationship with the landlord are more likely to report any suspicious activity or safety hazards they observe. This can help prevent damage and improve safety standards in your rental.

Overall, maintaining good relations with neighbors is important for landlords who want to ensure tenant satisfaction, protect their property, comply with legal requirements, build a positive reputation, and resolve conflicts effectively.

Perform Maintenance

Regular maintenance can help identify potential safety hazards and prevent accidents. For example, maintenance checks can identify electrical issues, plumbing leaks, or problems with heating and cooling systems. By addressing these issues promptly, landlords can help ensure the safety of their tenants and protect their property.

Regular maintenance can help improve the value or maintain the property. Neglected properties can quickly deteriorate and lose value, making it more difficult to attract tenants.

It is a landlord’s legal requirement to provide safe and habitable living conditions for their tenants. Maintenance helps ensure that the property meets these standards and complies with local housing codes and regulations.

Renovations can also help keep the property safe. The best renovations will ensure that the home stays new and in good condition for longer.

Keep a Checklist

A checklist can help ensure that all necessary tasks are completed consistently and according to a standardized process. This can help improve the quality of maintenance and repairs, reduce the risk of errors, and enhance the overall condition of the property.

A safety checklist can help landlords comply with local housing codes and regulations related to safety. By ensuring that safety-related tasks are completed regularly and documented properly, landlords can avoid fines and legal liability.

A safety checklist can help improve communication between landlords, property managers, and maintenance staff regarding safety-related tasks. By using a shared checklist, everyone involved in the management of the property can stay on the same page and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

Hire a Professional Property Management Team

A professional property management team typically has extensive experience and expertise in managing rental properties. They are familiar with local housing codes and regulations related to safety and can ensure that the property is in compliance with these regulations.

A professional property management team can help landlords manage risks related to safety. They can provide guidance on insurance coverage, liability issues, and risk mitigation strategies. A property manager can ensure landlords that their property is being managed by a team of professionals who prioritize safety and compliance.

Bottom Line

Overall, landlords can keep their home investment safe by prioritizing regular maintenance and safety inspections, thorough tenant screening, installing security measures, maintaining good communication with tenants, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage.

Hiring the professionals at Level Property Management Group can also be helpful in ensuring safety and compliance. A property management team can provide expertise in safety compliance, maintenance, and tenant screening.

Contact us today for more information!


A well-written property listing can help attract potential tenants by providing an accurate and detailed description of the property. This can help tenants understand what they can expect from the property and make an informed decision about whether it meets their needs.

In this blog, we are going to mention 8 effective tips to come up with a captivating property listing. So, let’s get into it:

1. Compel Readers in the Opening Statement

The opening statement is the first thing that potential tenants will read when they come across the listing. It is important to grab their attention and make them want to read more.

The opening statement can also help to set expectations for potential tenants. By clearly communicating what the property has to offer, landlords can ensure that potential tenants understand what they can expect from the property and are more likely to be interested in renting it.

Not only this, but it also makes the property listing stand out from the competition. If there are many similar properties available in the area, a well-crafted opening statement can help to differentiate the property and make it more appealing to potential tenants.

2. Use Persuading Headlines

A persuasive headline can help to grab the attention of potential tenants and make them more likely to read the rest of the listing. In a competitive rental market, this can be crucial in getting a property noticed and generating interest.

A well-crafted headline can communicate the value of the property to potential tenants. By highlighting key features, benefits, or unique selling points, landlords can help to make the property more appealing and increase the chances of finding the right tenant.

It can help to grab attention, communicate value, and differentiate the property from the competition, all of which can ultimately help landlords to find the right tenant for their property.

3. Use Great Vocabulary

The words used in a property listing can help to attract the right tenants. By using language that resonates with their needs and desires, landlords can make the property more appealing to potential tenants who are a good fit for the property.

It is important for landlords to choose their words carefully to comply with Fair Housing laws. This includes avoiding discriminatory language and ensuring that the listing does not discriminate against any protected classes of people.

The choice of words should be clear and unambiguous to avoid misunderstandings. This can help to ensure that there are no surprises or issues once the tenant moves in.

4. Mention Highlighted Features Wisely

Highlighted features are the unique selling points of a property that make it stand out from the competition. By mentioning them strategically in the listing, landlords can attract the attention of potential tenants and make the property more appealing.

By emphasizing the benefits of these features, landlords can make potential tenants more curious and interested in learning more about the property.

By highlighting certain features, landlords can increase the perceived value of the property. This can make potential tenants more willing to pay a higher rent or overlook other potential drawbacks of the property.

5. Be Concise but Complete

In today’s fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans and are less likely to read long, detailed descriptions. By being concise, landlords can ensure that potential tenants will actually read the listing and not be put off by its length.

Being concise means that landlords must choose their words carefully and prioritize the most important information. This can help to ensure that the listing is clear and easy to understand, which is essential for attracting potential tenants.

Despite being concise, landlords must still ensure that their listing is complete. It should include all the necessary information about the property, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, location, and any special features or amenities.

6. Mention Promotions

Promotions are a great way to attract attention to a property listing. By offering a discount or other promotion, landlords can make their property more appealing to potential tenants who may be considering multiple properties.

Promotions also create a sense of urgency among potential tenants. By offering a limited-time discount or other promotion, landlords can encourage potential tenants to act quickly and make a decision about the property.

7. Don’t Forget to Proofread

A property listing that is free of errors and typos appears more professional and trustworthy. This can make potential tenants more likely to consider the property and take the landlord seriously.

Proofreading ensures that the property listing is clear and easy to understand. Typos and errors can be distracting and confusing, and may even lead potential tenants to misunderstand important information about the property.

Overall, proofreading a property listing is an essential step for landlords to ensure that it is professional, clear, accurate, detailed, and legally compliant. By taking the time to proofread, landlords can make a positive impression on potential tenants, avoid misunderstandings, and minimize the risk of legal issues.

8. End with an Invitation to Reach Out

An invitation to reach out serves as a clear call to action for potential tenants. It encourages them to take the next step, whether that is scheduling a showing, requesting more information, or submitting an application.

Besides that, it is an important part of a property listing. It encourages potential tenants to take the next step, makes it easy to get in touch with the landlord, personalizes the listing, starts building a relationship, and is convenient for potential tenants.

Bottom Line

A good property listing helps landlords present a professional image, which can be important for attracting high-quality tenants. A professional listing can help tenants see that the landlord takes their responsibilities seriously and cares about the property.

It will save time and effort for landlords by minimizing the number of inquiries from unqualified or unsuitable tenants. By providing detailed information upfront, landlords can filter out potential tenants who are not a good fit for the property.

We will recommend landlords search for a property manager expert like Level Property Management Group. A property expert can provide valuable expertise and support throughout the property listing process, helping to ensure that the property is marketed effectively and the right tenant is found.


Furnishing a rental property can have several advantages but also comes with challenges. So, should you rent your house furnished? In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of renting a furnished home and some critical factors to consider before making your decision.

Advantages of Renting a Furnished House

Here are some of the benefits of renting a furnished home:

Attracting Tenants

Furnishing your rental property can be a key factor in attracting potential tenants. Renters looking for a furnished property are often those who are relocating for work, or international students, who simply don’t want the hassle of buying and moving furniture.

By offering a furnished property, you can attract a wider pool of potential tenants and quickly increase your chances of finding a tenant.

Potential to Charge Higher Rent

Renting a furnished house can also allow you to charge a higher rent compared to an unfurnished property. Furnished properties are often in higher demand, allowing you to charge a premium for the convenience of providing furniture. In addition, the furnishings themselves can add value to the property and increase its overall appeal.

Convenience for Tenants

One of the main advantages of renting a furnished house is the convenience it offers tenants. Furnished properties allow tenants to move in quickly without the need to purchase and move furniture. This can be particularly appealing to tenants who are relocating for work or study or those who are looking for short-term accommodation.

Disadvantages of Renting a Furnished House

While renting a furnished house has several advantages, there are also some potential drawbacks that landlords should be aware of.

Higher Initial Investment

One of the main disadvantages of renting a furnished house is the higher initial investment required. Furnishing a rental property can be expensive, especially if high-quality furniture is used. Landlords will need to factor in the cost of purchasing furniture and any ongoing maintenance or replacement costs. This can be a significant upfront expense that may not be feasible for all landlords.

Wear and Tear on Furniture

Another disadvantage of renting a furnished house is the wear and tear that furniture can experience. Tenants may not treat the furniture with the same care that they would their own furniture, leading to damage or excessive wear and tear. This can result in additional maintenance and replacement costs for the landlord.

Limited Personalization for Tenants

When a rental property is furnished, there is limited opportunity for tenants to personalize the space to their liking. This may not be an issue for some tenants, but others may want to bring their furniture or decor to make the space feel more like home.

Furnished properties may also be decorated in a style that doesn’t appeal to all tenants, limiting their options for finding a rental property that suits their preferences.

Higher Insurance Costs

Renting a furnished house can also result in higher insurance costs for the landlord. This is because furniture and other items in the property will need to be insured, adding to the overall cost of insuring the property. In addition, the risk of damage or theft of the furniture may be higher than in an unfurnished property, which can result in higher insurance premiums.

Factors to Consider before Renting Your House Furnished

Renting a furnished house can be an excellent way to attract potential tenants and potentially charge higher rent. However, deciding to furnish your rental property requires considering various factors. Here are the key factors to consider before renting your furnished house.

Location of Your Property

The most crucial factor is the location of your property. The demand for furnished properties depends on the location, which can differ between cities or neighborhoods. For instance, properties in central business districts, student areas, or popular tourist destinations may have a higher demand for furnished apartments.

Type of Rental Property

The type of rental property you own is another important factor to consider. You must consider the length of the lease term you offer. Furnished apartments are typically more popular for short-term rentals, such as vacation rentals, corporate housing, or sublets. For long-term rentals, however, tenants may prefer to bring in their furniture and personalize their space to their liking.

Target Market of Potential Tenants

The target market of potential tenants is another crucial factor to consider before renting your furnished house. Different tenants have varying preferences, so understanding their needs is essential before furnishing your property. For instance, students and business travelers may need fully-furnished apartments since they don’t plan to stay for long.

Market Demand and Competition

The rental market demand and competition for furnished properties in your area are also an essential to consider before renting your house furnished. Researching the local rental market can help you determine if there is high demand for furnished properties and what your competition offers regarding furnished rental options.

Bottom Line

While renting a furnished house can attract potential tenants, save tenants moving and buying furniture costs, and potentially charge higher rent, there are also disadvantages, such as higher initial investment and limited personalization for tenants.

At Level Property Management Group, we understand that every property is unique. We offer expert advice and support in helping you decide what’s best for your property.We handle every aspect of property management, so you can enjoy your return.


Are you considering converting your home into a rental property? Maybe you’re moving to a new house but don’t want to sell your current property, or you’re interested in generating passive income through real estate investments.

Whatever your reasons, turning your home into a rental property can be a smart financial move. But before you decide to become a landlord, there are several things you need to consider and plan for.

What to Consider Before Converting Your Home

Converting your home into a rental property can be a profitable investment, but it’s not without its challenges. Before diving into this venture, we suggest considering the following:

Legal Requirements

The first thing you need to do when converting your home into a rental property is to make sure you comply with all legal requirements. Depending on where you live, there might be zoning regulations, rental licensing requirements, building codes and landlord-tenant laws you need to adhere to.

For instance, some cities require landlords to obtain a rental license or permit before renting a property. Others mandate inspections or certain safety features like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Research and understand these legal requirements before advertising your home for rent.

Financial Considerations

Converting your home into a rental property requires a significant financial investment. You might need to make repairs, upgrade appliances or furnishings and cover the costs of marketing your property.

You also need to factor in ongoing expenses like property taxes, insurance, maintenance and utility costs. Before you decide to rent out your home, calculate the potential income you might generate to see if it will cover your expenses and provide a decent return on investment.

Property Management Options

One of the biggest decisions you need to make when converting your home into a rental property is whether to manage it yourself or hire a property management company. If you have the time, skills, and inclination, self-management can save you money and give you more control over your property.

However, it also means dealing with the day-to-day tasks of managing a rental, like advertising vacancies, screening tenants, collecting rent and handling maintenance requests. If you prefer to be more hands-off, you can hire a property management company to handle these tasks.

Potential Risks and Challenges

Before converting your home into a rental property, consider the risks and challenges involved. These include unexpected repairs or maintenance issues, difficult or non-paying tenants, legal disputes and property vacancies. You need to have a plan to handle these situations and mitigate their impact on your finances and rental property.

Preparing Your Home for Rental

Preparing your home well is crucial in converting your property into a rental. A well-prepared home will attract quality tenants and generate a higher rental income. Here are some important aspects to consider:

Repairs and Maintenance

Before renting your home, make sure it’s in good condition. Make any necessary repairs like fixing leaks, replacing broken windows or doors and repairing or replacing damaged floors or walls.

Schedule a professional inspection of your home’s electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems to ensure they function properly. Making sure your home is in good condition will help you avoid any maintenance issues once tenants move in.

Cleaning and Staging

Your home needs to be clean and attractive to potential tenants. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to deep clean your home and ensure it’s free of odors or stains.

Remove any clutter and personal items, and decorate the space in a neutral way that will appeal to a wide range of renters. Staging your home this way will create a warm and inviting space where tenants can imagine themselves living.

Furniture and Appliances

The furniture and appliances in your home can also impact its rental potential. If you plan on renting your home furnished, ensure the furniture is comfortable and in good condition. Invest in quality appliances like a fridge, stove and washing machine. These items can make your home more attractive to potential tenants and can justify higher rental rates.

Safety and Security Measures

It’s important that your rental property is safe and secure. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the home and make sure fire extinguishers are readily available. Make sure all windows and doors lock properly and consider installing a security system or deadbolts on doors for added protection.

Finding Tenants for Your Property

Once you’ve prepared your home for rental, it’s time to find tenants. This involves marketing your rental property, screening potential tenants and finalizing lease agreements and rental terms.

To attract potential tenants, you need to market your rental property effectively. Advertise your property in online listings, social media and local classifieds. Use high-quality photos of your home to showcase its features and benefits. Highlight unique selling points such as a great location, outdoor spaces or amenities that appeal to your target market.

Finding the right tenant is critical to the success of your rental property. The tenant screening process involves evaluating potential tenants’ backgrounds to ensure they’ll be a good renter for your property. Interviewing potential tenants and their references is also a good idea.

In a Nutshell: Turning Your House Into a Rental Home

Converting your home into a rental property can be lucrative, but it requires careful planning, preparation and ongoing management. There are many things to consider before taking the leap, from legal and financial requirements to preparing your home for rental and finding tenants.

Proper management and maintenance and effective communication with tenants is crucial for the success of your rental business. Consider partnering with a professional property manager like Level Property Management Group to ensure a positive rental experience. Contact us today at (251) 210-1664 to learn more about our services and maximize your investment property.


If you want to invest in real estate, you need to be familiar with common industry terms. Every field has its own technical jargon to get accustomed to, and real estate is no exception. Learning the meaning behind common real estate terms helps you navigate the industry more easily.

Get Familiar with Real Estate Terms

Imagine you’re facing a group of real estate professionals and negotiating with a property seller or buyer. You want to move the discussion along and avoid having to ask the meaning of every industry term mentioned. When you understand the full meaning behind the terms that real estate experts use, you’ll be able to communicate your needs more effectively.

These terms also tend to be repetitive, so you’ll continuously encounter them as you go about the real estate investment process. Thoroughly understanding common real estate words will serve you in your day-to-day transactions and interactions as a property investor.

Here are some common real estate investing terms to learn:

1. Rental Property

Rental property is a common term real estate investors encounter. It refers to a type of property that allows owners to get a specific income from renters. There are two categories of rental property: residential and commercial real estate.

2. Short-Term Rental

A short-term rental property is generally designed for tourists. The unit is furnished and ready to be occupied right away. Typically, this property is rented out for a short time frame and commonly marketed on platforms such as Airbnb.

3. Long-Term Rental

A long-term rental is a type of property aimed at renters seeking to stay in a fixed location for a longer duration.

Most property owners prefer a long-term rental setup since it provides a steady rental income cash flow. This is also known as a traditional rental.

4. Homeowner’s Association (HOA)

HOA is a term typically encountered in planned communities and condominiums. A homeowner’s association is responsible for managing the residence in a given area. There’s a list of policies an HOA enforces that its residents are expected to follow. You’ll need to pay HOA fees if your property is a part of one.

5. Closing

Closing refers to when the purchase of a property is finalized. Closing ensures that all the final details have been taken care of. Contracts need to be signed and all the documents need to be submitted. The buyer also needs to give payment to the seller. If there’s external financing involved, it means that the lender has approved the loan.

6. Closing Costs

Before a real estate sale closes, there are payments that need to be settled. Closing costs might refer to insurance payments, attorneys fees, initial fees to lenders, homeowner’s association fees, realtors commissions and others. Any closing costs need to be paid off before the real estate transaction is completed.

7. Rental Income

Rental income is the amount of money that a landlord receives from a renter occupying their property. This is among one of the most common terms used by real estate investors.

8. Multiple Listing Service

A multiple listing service is made up of a database where you can discover listed homes for sale or for rent. Real estate agents and brokers can access this marketing system and inform their clients of available rentals and properties for sale.

Since properties are added by listing agents, this is a useful resource if you’re looking to buy, sell or rent a property.

9. Cash Flow

The amount of money left after all the required payments are finished is what’s termed as cash flow. Payments can refer to mortgage payables, maintenance fees, repair costs or other costs associated with owning a property.

Cash flow can be positive or negative. If you still have money left after all the payoffs, you have a positive cash flow. If you end up with more expenses than earnings, you have a negative cash flow.

10. Seller’s Market

When fewer properties are available in the market, property prices skyrocket due to high demand. This is an advantage for the property sellers and is termed a seller’s market.

11. Buyer’s Market

A market environment where plenty of properties are available for purchase leads to lower property prices. Property demand is also reduced, which is an advantage for property buyers who can negotiate prices. This is referred to as a buyer’s market.

12. Appreciation

Over a long period, a real estate property increases its value which results in a higher price. This is called property appreciation. The rise in value can be a result of heightened demand, inflation or limited available properties in a given area.

13. Credit Score

A credit score is a measure of how creditworthy an individual is by checking one’s credit ratings. When a person has a good credit score, they’re more likely to get approved for financing by lenders and to sign a lease as a renter.

Most lenders and landlords assess a candidate based on their credit score since it shows their capacity to complete loan payments or regularly pay off monthly rental fees.

14. Realtor

Realtors are real estate professionals acting on behalf of buyers or sellers during property negotiations. They’re a member of the National Association of Realtors and must comply with its rules of conduct and ethics.

15. Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents are real estate professionals representing buyers or sellers during a negotiation. They’re typically working under a real estate broker.

16. Real Estate Broker

Real estate brokers are licensed industry professionals who can represent buyers and sellers in a transaction. They’re independent and have real estate agents working for them. Brokers have lots of real estate expertise and can manage complex transactions due to their intensive training.

Bottom Line: Understand Common Real Estate Terms

These are some of the real estate investing terms you’re bound to encounter on a regular basis. Getting familiar with these early can make real estate transactions easier to handle. If you’re looking for a trusted real estate partner, contact Level Property Management Group today!

You can reach our experienced property managers by phone at (251) 210-1664 or by email at leads@levelpmg.com


As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to keep your rental property safe. A secure and habitable environment keeps tenants happy and encourages them to renew their lease. To attract long-term tenants, your property needs to meet safety standards at the very least. Consider performing regular property inspections to spot potential safety issues on your property.

Identifying and addressing property damage or safety issues early will save you money in the future. Landlords need to be thorough and consistent with property inspections in order to meet safety standards.

Prioritize a healthy and hygienic rental home and comply with building safety codes to limit injuries and safeguard the health of your renters.

Areas to Check for Safety Issues

Here are areas to focus on to enhance safety in your rental space:


Broken heaters might only be a nuisance, but not scheduling repairs can also be a safety risk. Have a professional look into any broken heaters and book necessary repairs right away. If you wait for tenants to report the issue, you risk fire occurring on your property.

Conduct routine inspections of heaters to reduce the possibility of fires. Keep away from combustible materials and place a screen on heating sources to mitigate fire risks.


Plumbing issues, if not addressed right away, can result in dire consequences such as flooding. A flood can be costly for you, ruining furnishings, flooring and even appliances. As a landlord, keep an eye out for any water leaks. Trace the water source or hire a plumber to repair the pipes in your unit.

Extreme weather conditions can increase the risk of plumbing issues. Make sure to regularly inspect your pipes, especially in Winter and Summer. Pipes are prone to breaks, leaks and mold.

To keep from overspending on plumbing repairs and inconveniencing the renters, conduct thorough inspections. Maintaining a safe and habitable property will prevent renters from withholding rent or ending their tenancy abruptly.

Another area to check is your gutter. Evaluate its cleanliness and the efficiency of the drainage. Allocating a bit of time to clean the gutters will help you avoid leaks. Another way to combat broken pipes is to purchase high-quality ones for durability.


Since electrical issues can be life-threatening, it’s essential to address them promptly. Make sure your electrical system follows current electrical safety standards, especially if you have an older property. Hire a licensed electrician to protect the occupants of your unit from electric shock exposure and make sure you’re adhering to safety codes.

Another safety measure is to use GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) outlets. To ensure more rental safety, have a GFI breaker in place to limit the incidence of fires.

Doors and Windows

Since doors and windows are the main entryways to a rental property, landlords need to pick the strongest and most durable materials. Locks also need to be sturdy. With secure doors and windows in place, trespassing incidents are greatly reduced.

We also suggest budgeting for solid security systems and locks with bolts. Windows need to have strong latches and tempered glass. Emergency doors also need to be free from barriers in case of emergency.

Walls, Ceilings and Floors

Especially if the residents in your unit are retirees or small kids, you need to ensure safe flooring to limit slippage. Set up waterproof non-slip surfaces and look out for uneven and sloping floors. You can also have a foundation professional conduct an inspection and fix any issues.

Foundation problems can be expensive. Being attentive can help you curb the costs of expensive renovations and repairs. Notice stains and cracks appearing. Watch out for peeling wallpaper or bubbling paint. If you see any of these signs, call a contractor.

Ceilings are another area of concern and you should see to it that yours meet the required minimum height to properly insulate your rental. Wall cracks also need to be inspected to ensure the structural integrity of your rental unit.


Another thing you need to focus on is your appliances. Take note of their expectancy and repair any damages. If needed, replace older appliances with new ones.

When appliances are past their prime, internal wires can easily overheat and put your tenants’ safety at risk. If damage occurs as a result of normal wear and tear, it’s your responsibility to pay for repairs. Invest in high-quality units that will last longer so you don’t need to keep replacing them over and over.


Properties constructed before 1978 can potentially contain lead which is a health hazard. Before conducting a painting project or approving a renter’s request to paint the unit, hire an expert to perform a paint inspection to ensure it’s resolved.

Landlord-tenant laws also mandate landlords to disclose potential lead concerns to the renters. Make sure to protect your renters from accidental lead poisoning on your property.

Bottom Line: Make Sure Your Rental Property is Safe

Meeting safety standards needs to be one of your top priorities as a landlord. To keep your property safe, conduct preventive maintenance and schedule regular property inspections. Day-to-day maintenance tasks can be overwhelming at times, so it’s advisable to seek out help managing your property.

Especially if you’re juggling multiple properties or responsibilities, consider hiring a reliable property manager like Level Property Management Group to take care of your rental home.

Having a professional partner manage your rental unit can lead to many advantages and additional peace of mind. Contact Level Property Management today by dialing (251) 210-1664 or by emailing leads@levelpmg.com


Are you a new landlord navigating the challenges of property management? Done right, investing in real estate can help you enjoy a consistent passive income. That said, owning a rental property doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be a successful landlord. Your success will be determined by how well you’re able to manage your rental property or properties.

If you choose to manage your rental property on your own instead of partnering with a property manager, there are certain mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

1. Not Having a Written Lease Agreement.

A lease is a legally binding agreement. It’s a contractual agreement that binds both you and your tenant for a certain duration of time, usually between 6 months and a year.

Without a lease, you won’t be able to let your tenant know what exactly is required of them. In turn, you won’t have any legal ground on which to hold them accountable. If any issues arise, it’ll be your word against theirs.

For a lease agreement to be effective, it needs to contain certain crucial terms. We suggest including a subletting policy, a pet policy, rent-related terms and occupancy limits. The lease also needs to be legally binding for it to serve its purpose. Make sure all essential information is included on the lease and have both parties sign it.

2. Failing to Regularly Inspect the Property.

Even after renting out your property, you need to inspect it from time to time. After all, the property is still your responsibility. It’s your responsibility, for instance, to ensure that the property meets the basic health and safety codes.

Inspecting your property regularly will also help you check whether the tenant is abiding by the lease terms. For instance, you can see if they’re keeping an unauthorized pet or illegally subletting the unit.

3. Not Respecting Your Tenant’s Space.

Tenants have a right to respect, peace and quiet. Even as the landlord, you can’t enter the property without proper notice. Familiarize yourself with local and state laws.

In the state of Alabama, you need to serve your tenant with advance notice of 2 days before entering. The only exception to this is if you need to access the property in the case of an emergency. You can also only enter the property during normal business hours.

4. Filling Vacancies Slowly or Not at All.

Being slow to fill vacancies is a costly mistake when renting out your property. While property vacancies are normal, having them for an extended period of time can prove disastrous to your bottom line.

You’ll want to keep your vacancies as low as possible for maximum profitability. To do this, always make sure to prepare early. Don’t wait until a tenant has moved out to start the marketing process. Start marketing your property the moment your tenant notifies you that they’re going to leave at the end of their lease.

It’s also a good idea to have at least 3 months in savings to cover vacancy costs. Set up a separate account in case of an extended property vacancy.

5. Letting Emotions Cloud Your Judgment.

To be a successful DIY landlord, you’ll need to separate your emotions from the business. While empathizing with tenants isn’t bad, it can become detrimental to your bottom line if you’re not careful.

The lease agreement requires a tenant to abide by certain terms, such as paying rent on time and in full. If a tenant stops paying rent for whatever reason, notify them of the issue right away. Let them know how much they need to pay and within what period of time.

If they don’t comply, you might want to start eviction proceedings against them immediately.

6. Pricing Rent Incorrectly.

Pricing rent incorrectly is another common mistake DIY landlords make. As a new landlord lacking property management experience, you might find yourself either undercharging or overcharging for your rentals.

To determine the right rent amount, conduct a thorough comparative market analysis and interview landlords renting out similar units. You can also factor in any special features your property has.

That said, if you’re just starting out, hiring a reputable property management company can be the best option. A good property management company will have knowledge of the local property market and know how much you can charge for your rental property.

7. Screening Tenants Improperly.

Screening tenants poorly is another common mistake landlords make. The last thing any landlord wants is to rent their property to a problematic tenant.

Conducting a thorough tenant screening process will help you to know whether a tenant is a good fit for your rental home. An effective tenant screening process is one that examines prospective tenants on the basis of their:

  • Creditworthiness
  • Rental income
  • Criminal status
  • Eviction history
  • Employment history

When screening tenants, make sure to abide by the Fair Housing Act.

8. Failing to Disclose Important Information to Your Tenants.

There are certain disclosures that every landlord needs to make before renting out their property, in order to comply with laws and meet safety standards. For instance, federal law requires landlords to give tenants a lead-based paint disclosure under the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure law.

Various states have also passed laws that compel landlords to make certain important disclosures. For instance, the state of Alabama requires landlords to disclose the names and addresses of all authorized management parties. Familiarize yourself with local and state laws to avoid legal repercussions. We suggest also being with common real estate terms as a self-managing landlord.

Bottom Line: Hire a Property Manager

Being a property owner comes with its challenges, especially if you intend to rent out your home. Self-managing landlords need to make sure they have a good lease, inspect their property regularly, respect their tenant’s space, fill vacancies quickly and act professionally. You also need to price rent accordingly, screen tenants thoroughly and disclose necessary information to your tenants.

Does all of this seem daunting? For expert help in managing your Fairhope rental property, look no further than Level Property Management Group.

With over 15 years in the business, our full suite of property management services can help you handle all aspects of managing your rental property. Dial (251) 210-1664 or email leads@levelpmg.com to get in touch with our property managers and receive a free rental analysis today.


Charging the right rent is key to running a successful investment business. However, new landlords lacking property management knowledge or experience might find themselves overcharging or undercharging tenants for rent.

When you overcharge tenants, you risk making your rental property seem less desirable to prospective tenants. When you undercharge them, you might have a hard time covering your expenses or earning an income.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to charge the right amount for rent. With the right pricing, you can maximize your rental income while maintaining your rental property’s desirability for prospective renters.

Use a Formula.

The ‘1% rule’ formula calculates the expected rental price based on the value of a rental property. If your property is worth $100,000 for example, you need to charge at least $1000 ($100,000X1/100) for rent.

The formula is just a guideline however, as you might need to factor in a few things. When determining your rent price, consider factoring in nearby amenities, design features and your property’s location.

Another important factor worth considering when it comes to rental pricing is the desirability of a rental market. If your property is located in a competitive rental market, you might need to price it a bit lower for it to be competitive. In such a case, it might not meet the 1% rule.

Compare Your Property to Others in the Area.

Another way to determine the rent for your Fairhope rental property is to do research on comparable units. You might consider interviewing landlords renting similar units or doing research online.

For best results, make sure to compare your Fairhope rental property to units that have similar features. We suggest the units be in the same area as your rental home, have similar amenities, the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms and a similar square footage.

Determine Rent Using Square Footage.

If you’re not able to find similar units to compare your property to, you can also use the square footage of your rental unit to determine the rental price. This should help you compare your property to others, no matter their size.

Suppose, for instance, that your Fairhope rental property has a size of 1,500 sq. ft., and that nearby 1,000 sq. ft. units are renting out for $250 more. To know how much rent to charge, you’ll simply need to determine the price per square foot, then multiply by the total size of your home.

Consider Other Factors that Might Impact the Rental Price.

The following are key factors that will definitely have an impact on how much rent you can charge.

Property Location.

This is arguably the factor that will have the greatest impact on how much you can charge tenants to rent your property. For many prospective renters, property location is a deciding factor when it comes to choosing an apartment to rent.

Families with young children, for example, will consider renting properties near schools. Students will most likely consider locations near their schools. Career-driven people will also want to rent units that are nearby their places of work.


Amenities are another important factor that might determine how much rent you charge. Certain amenities bring certain conveniences, which might make your rental property more desirable.

Examples of high-value amenities include security and safety measures, outdoor spaces, parking spaces, stainless steel appliances and granite countertops.

Appliances are another thing that tenants prioritize when looking to rent a unit. If your unit includes a microwave, washer and dryer, refrigerator or dishwasher, you can charge a higher price for rent. Consider renovating your property or installing new appliances to charge a higher rent.

Current Economic Conditions.

Current economic conditions also affect how you price your rental property. If the economy is underperforming, you might not be able to charge a high rental price. You might also need to avoid raising your rent, as renters might be struggling financially.

If the economy is doing great however, you might be able to charge higher rent prices since demand might be high.

Type of Lease.

As a landlord, you can choose whatever type of lease you’d like in order to meet your investment goals. Are you looking to rent out your property on a short-term or long-term basis? While both options have their pros and cons, renting out your property as a vacation rental can help you charge a higher rental price.

Property Features.

No two homes are the same. Two properties, for instance, might share the same square footage but have different types of appliances.

Even similar units in an apartment building will be different in terms of desirability. Apartments on top floors usually charge higher rent prices because of the views. Take note of any unique features your investment property has and consider factoring them in when pricing your rent.

For example, a feature that might impact your rental’s desirability is storage space. A home with ample storage spaces is more desirable than one without, especially if you’re targeting families. Aside from storage space, other desirable features include wi-fi and air conditioning.

Hire a Property Management Company.

Hiring an experienced property management company is another effective way of determining the best rental price to charge. When you work with qualified property managers, you’re able to tap into their rental pricing experience and market knowledge.

A good property management company will have years of experience in the local property market and will have tried-and-tested strategies to help you determine the best rental price for optimum return on investment.

They can also help you market your property, screen prospective tenants, repair and maintain your property and handle all the paperwork, among other things.

In A Nutshell: Setting a Rental Price for Your Fairhope Property.

Pricing your Fairhope rental property correctly is key to running a profitable rental business. The right price will help you maximize your return on investment (ROI) without lowering your property’s desirability.

For expert help, partner with Level Property Management Group. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced property managers will help you handle all aspects of managing your Fairhope rental property.

Contact us today by phone at (251) 210-1664 or email leads@levelpmg.com. Our property managers are ready to offer you a free rental analysis and answer any questions about our services.


Keeping your rental space habitable is one of your chief duties as a landlord. Rentals often require a long list of maintenance tasks because they’re subject to more wear and tear.

If you would like to learn how to properly maintain your rental properties to protect your tenants and investments, keep on reading.

Property Maintenance Responsibilities of a Landlord

Typically, landlords are in charge of the following property maintenance tasks:

Providing Trash Bins

To provide a clean and healthy environment, you need to provide garbage containers where renters are able to dispose of any trash they might generate. The number of bins and their sizes will depend on how many renters are currently occupying your unit. You’ll also want to verify the local code regarding how far away outdoor receptacles must be from the property to prevent animals and pests from getting in.

Supplying Running Water

Without running water, it can be hard to keep your rental clean and allow tenants to live comfortably. That’s why a landlord must provide a reliable water supply. On top of this, you’re expected to have toilets, showers, and sinks that are in perfect working order. You must also ensure that there’s working hot and cold water.

Complying with Building Codes

It’s essential for landlords to keep their renters safe in the rental property. This means providing smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. They must also show renters where these can be found during move-in.

Additionally, landlords must be knowledgeable about preventing mold, dealing with lead paint, and resolving pest infestation. Furthermore, they must ensure that an adequate number of renters are living in the unit for safety reasons. Finally, the overall structural integrity of the property must be in working order to avoid facing emergencies.

Maintaining Common Areas

A lot of renters use the common areas. So it’s important for rental owners to perform frequent cleaning and inspections to spot any issues on the flooring and stairs. Being attentive ensures fewer accidents and mishaps. The proper lighting should also be installed.

Scheduling Necessary Repairs

Rentals should be in outstanding form and any damages, whether resulting from normal wear and tear or negligence should be fixed right away. Repair costs can be deducted from the security deposit of renters if they caused the damage.

Review Essential Home Systems

A renter won’t stay in a property when vital services, such as plumbing, heating, electrical, and gas aren’t available for use. It’s the chief responsibility of a landlord to make sure there aren’t any problems with home systems or service interruptions.

For utility bill payment, if the renter is assigned to pay it, then this must be stated clearly on the leasing agreement. The tenant must then pay the bills on time so the electric or water supply service isn’t cut off, causing inconvenience.

Ways Tenants are Required to Maintain the Rental Unit

Even if landlords must do their part to keep the rental running smoothly, according to the law, renters must also take up a fair share of maintenance work. Here are some of the expected maintenance tasks that renters should fulfill:

Ensuring the Rental is Free of Sanitary Issues

Although landlords may be meeting their duty to provide trash bins, renters must make sure to place their trash in them. This can reduce health concerns and pest infestation problems inside the property. So renters must clean the unit and dispose of trash in the respective garbage cans.

Double-Checking Rental Safety

It’s the tenant’s responsibility to see to it that nothing blocks the emergency exits so that if a fire occurs, they can easily move to safety. Any barriers like a pile of boxes should be removed. Smoke or carbon monoxide detectors must also be left untampered with and batteries shouldn’t be removed. If the batteries need to be replaced tenants should consult with their landlord right away.

Adhering to the Building and Housing Codes

Tenants are required to follow the safety protocols. Make sure they have read through the lease agreement for specific safety conditions, such as the acceptable number of occupants.

If the number of people staying in the unit exceeds what’s stated on the contract, then this could present fire safety risks and the property could experience more wear and tear.

Preventing mold

Mold is often a problem and builds up due to excess moisture. A renter can prevent the growth of mold by being consistent in turning the fan on or opening windows to dry the bathroom after showering. If a renter spots signs of mold, it’s recommended to report the situation to the rental owner so action is taken immediately to resolve the issue.

Respecting the Property

Here are additional ways to help keep the rental space in great condition:

  • Making sure plumbing fixtures are free from rust and dirt through proper cleaning
  • Wiping the dust off the appliances to reduce the buildup of dirt that cause these items to malfunction
  • Ensuring that appliances are used in accordance with their intended purpose.
  • Avoiding property damage through proper care of the unit. While wear and tear is natural and acceptable, excessive property damage like doors off their hinges and broken tiles are not
  • Reporting property problems immediately to their landlord
  • Keeping common areas trash-free
  • Taking out the garbage for weekly collection and pickup

Bottom Line

While landlords have a bulk of maintenance duties to perform, they don’t have to shoulder all of them alone. Tenants must also be made away of their maintenance duties according to the lease agreement.

Landlords can also hire a reliable property manager like Level Property Management Group to handle these day-to-day tasks. We are a trusted property management company dedicated to ensuring the peace of mind of all our clients. Contact us today to learn about our services!


Landlords just beginning their careers may find writing a lease a challenge. While other rental owners find a verbal agreement to be enough, this isn’t advisable due to the unpredictable natures of landlord-tenant relationships. So not having a written one, or having a poorly written one, is bound to create issues at some point.

A lease must be specific and clear, leaving no room for interpretation. It must clearly state the rights and responsibilities each party has. Any important disclosures and clauses must also be included in the contract. Most of all, the date of the lease signing and all signatures must be printed on this important document.

A well-crafted lease guides the renters on what to do in any property management situation and helps them stay for the long term. So, its important that, as a landlord, you understand what constitutes a strong lease. This is why we at Level Property Management have created the following article:

Why Do You Need a Lease?

A lease is a document that, at its core, clearly sets the expectations for both a landlord and a tenant when it comes to the actions they are expected to take during the lease term.

A leasing agreement helps smooth out conflicts when it contains lawful and detailed conditions. If your renter files a lawsuit, you can bring the leasing agreement to the court and present it as evidence.

Writing a Lease

Landlords can craft a lease using several methods:

  • DIY: this is a time-consuming option and you will need to be familiar with current states laws and local regulations.
  • Hiring a Property Manager: this ensures you’re legally protected and reduces risk.
  • Sourcing from a ready template: A simple solution, and since it’s a template, it will apply to most rental types. But some of the conditions may not fit your rental space.

A great recommendation is to hire a property management company. Through a property management company, you can benefit from a full range of services including marketing. This includes lease preparation that’s specific to your rental unit.

Basics of a Lease

No two leasing agreements are the same, but the same basic information is required to form a lease:

  • Name of the landlord and tenant: the full names of the landlord and renters are expected to be found in the lease.
  • Rental property name and address: the rental unit’s name and address must be written in full, including the door number for condo units and apartments.
  • Rent due date: the complete dates must be indicated on the leasing agreement to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Rent amount: it’s vital to make sure that the rental amount is written in figures and words for clarity. This should be separate from other fees.
  • Rental term: the time period of the rental must be stated in full. For example, the tenancy begins on January 1, 2023, and ends on December 31, 2023. This helps fix the problem of overstaying occupants.
  • Signatures of the parties: by adding the signatures of both parties, the leasing agreement is binding since it shows a mutual understanding of the leasing contract details.

Vital Clauses and Policies to Include in a Lease

Even if leases differ from one rental owner to another, clauses such as the following will need to be detailed so as to comply with local and state laws:


You can permit a renter to welcome other occupants to divide the rent amount if you like – this is called subletting. But it’s best for the renter to get your written approval first. This is so you know the type of renter being accepted in your unit.

Property Access

Just because you’re the rental owner, it doesn’t mean you can come and go inside the unit anytime. To provide your tenants with privacy, you need to notify them when you need to access the rental. This could be for required property inspections, necessary maintenance, or repairs.

Tenant Obligations

Even if landlords have multiple duties to accomplish in managing the rental, renters also share in the responsibility so the lease should break down all the maintenance tasks of the renter.

Legally Breaking the Lease

In certain situations, it is deemed acceptable under the state laws to break a lease. This could be because of required military duty, cases of domestic violence, and landlord harassment.

Landlords can also allow specific for circumstances, such as job relocation, as long as the condition is specified in the leasing agreement.

Security Deposit

Some states require landlords to mention where their security deposit is safe kept and the rate of interest it earns. It’s also best to be detailed with the refund process of the security deposit.

Required Disclosures

Certain information is always given to your renters for their own protection. These are covered by the State and local laws, such as:

  • Bed Bugs: Their existence must be mentioned by the rental owner. Preventive solutions must also be provided.
  • Radon: Due to its health impact, renters must know if it’s present in your unit.
  • Flood zone: If your rental location is exposed to flooding then the renter must be informed.
  • Lead-based paint: Properties constructed before 1978 are at risk for potential lead-based paint, so renters must be aware of this.

Bottom Line

If you have a solid leasing agreement, it helps maintain a positive relationship with your renters as there are fewer disputes. Detailed leases also mitigate the risks faced by the rental owners leading to less stress.

If you have little time to dedicate to making a complete leasing agreement, it’s advisable to engage the services of a trusted property manager like Level Property Management Group! We can help with anything from helping you with renovations, to tenant screening.


After investing in a rental property, landlords want to receive a steady income. But to have a consistent income stream, your property must be occupied.

Having long-term renters allows you to reduce vacancy rates while saving money on cleaning, marketing, and maintenance costs during turnover. Keeping a tenant for a long time lets you build a good relationship with them and as a consequence your ROI improves.

Enticing quality tenants starts with preparing the unit and making it comfortable to live in. But at Level Property Management we believe there are other effective ways to catch the attention of a long-term tenant and eventually sign the lease agreement:

Market the Property Consistently

Be innovative and use new marketing strategies that persuade possible tenants into signing the lease. You can give out flyers, advertise on billboards, use online listing platforms, post in community boards, and leverage both social media and digital marketing to find the right tenant.

When creating your listings include all necessary information such as amenities, or restrictions. Let your prospects see themselves living in the home by investing in quality photos and videos.

its a good idea to have the home cleaned and prepare it for your photoshoot. If possible, add a tour video, this will allow interested tenants to get a feel for the home – albeit virtually. Applicants are more likely to reach out when they have enough information about the property and can easily decide to sign the lease.

Renovate the Space

Add value to your property by making a few renovations on your rental home. Repaint the walls, invest in energy efficient fixtures and appliances, and work on your curb appeal. During maintenance, address any minor issues, as these could lead to major and expensive ones if ignored.

Upgrades shouldn’t be expensive. You can settle for mid-priced brands that can do the job perfectly. If you plan on tearing down a wall, always assess the situation and consult a professional. Newly remodeled houses attract renters more effectively and caneasily compete with other, newer, properties.

Conduct a Thorough Tenant Screening

A thorough tenant screening is a crucial step that you must take before renting your property to an interested applicant. You can consider the below items during tenant screening:

  • Income level: When potential renters have a steady income, this suggests that they have the ability to pay your rent. This is also an assurance that they can stay on top of their rent payments even if they occupy the property for a long time. So, request a copy of their pay slips, bank statements and W-2’s to go over this information.
  • Credit Score: Credit scores go a long way to showing you how a person manages their finances. The higher the credit score, the better they are at controlling their finances. A bad credit score means unstable finance management and can indicate potential rent collection problems in the long run.
  • Rental History: As a landlord, you have to look into the reasons why tenants are looking for a new home. You can get to know more about the potential tenant through another landlord’s standpoint. Request for their previous landlords’ contact information as reference. Their previous landlords can easily let you know if they pay rent on time or were a nuisance to the neighbors.
  • Criminal records: Renting the property to someone with a criminal record may put you in a difficult situation and could cause a legal headache later. Standardize your screening process and make sure to base your rejection on legally justifiable reasons.

Enhance the Property’s Security

Assure your tenants that your rental property is a safe place for them to live in. You can do this by replacing doorknobs with a coded lock or electronic keypad door lock. Install modern security systems such as motion detection lights, alarm systems, and smoke detectors.

When security is guaranteed, renters feel safe and are more likely renew their lease to stay long-term.

Maintain the Property

A property that is well-maintained promotes a worry-free tenancy. Conducting regular inspections and preventive maintenance can DIY landlords you fix what’s broken and repair anything damaged due to wear and tear.

In cases where repairs are needed during tenancy, be sure to address these issues within a reasonable timeframe. Choose energy-efficient and quality replacements to avoid the issue from happening again.

It is the tenant’s right to live in a habitable environment so the property should be ready for occupancy before bringing in a tenant.

Communicate Clearly

Manage your relationship well with your tenants to encourage them to sign a lease for the long-term. Respect their privacy and be ready to help them when you need to. Putting together a property manual that includes recommended or nearby grocery stores, malls, and fun activities to do in the area is a great way to connect with your tenant.

Hire a Property Management Company

Property management companies can help you manage your landlord responsibilities so you can focus on your other activities. They can handle responsibilities from rigorous tenant screening to the challenging process of evicting a problematic tenant.

A property management company’s experience is important to note, especially if you are a new landlord. They can help in attracting long-term tenants and keeping them happy.

Bottom Line

Long term tenants can be great for your bottom line. The continuous and expected stream of income they provide can help you prepare for further investments and manage your financial situation better. But finding a long-term tenant can be a challenge, which is why you should consider hiring a property management company.

At the Level Property Management Group we are a seasoned rental property management company that can take care of marketing your property, enticing long-term renters, collecting rent, and keeping your tenants happy. Contact us today!


Tenant screening is important as it allows you to select the perfect tenant for your Fairhope rental. Which by extension, means more profit for you. The right tenant pays rent on time, takes care of your property as if it’s their own, and respects your house rules.

Quality tenants are also more likely to renew their lease, helping you maintain a high occupancy rate, which translates to consistent cash flow.

Here at the Level Property Management Group, we believe that tenant screening is incredibly important which is why we have put together the following guide:

Create a Tenant Screening Checklist

When screening tenants, you must prepare a checklist and be consistent when following it. Consistency in tenant screening helps you avoid violating the Fair Housing Laws.

Include these steps in your screening process:

  • Create and follow your renter screening outline.
  • Establish your minimum tenant criteria.
  • Require interested prospects to submit supporting documents such as a background check, credit report, rental application.

Conduct a Pre-Screening

Pre-screening prospects can help you filter those who are not interested in your property quickly. So, use your property marketing to your advantage. Here you can set proper expectations by including your requirements, limitations, and restrictions.

When a potential renter reaches out, make sure to ask the right questions. Identify early on if your property is big enough for the number of people planning to stay there, or gauge if there is a possibility of the prospect violating the house rules.

Review the Applications

The goal of reviewing rental applications is to ask the right questions and collect information. In this part of the screening process, you can check if a potential renter is financially capable of paying the rent.

Generally, income that is 3x the rental rate is considered acceptable. Depending on other tenant criteria and situation, you can still accept a renter even if their income falls below that rate.

Ask your potential tenants for:

  • Their contact information
  • Authorization to conduct background and credit check
  • Previous and current residence addresses
  • Prior and current landlord names and contact information
  • Job history highlighting past and present employers, job title length of employment, salary, and reference contact info

After getting this information you should thoroughly check their background and credit information. After which, cross-reference the data provided by reaching out to their references.

Verify Prospect Income and Employment

Validating income information and employment history is crucial in the tenant screening process. To choose the right fit, you have to confirm if they are being honest about their ability to pay rent using their declared income.

Contact Prior Landlords

As part of your screening process, you should contact all landlords listed by your potential renter. Talking to a prior landlord can let you know the behavior of your potential tenant. They can tell you if they missed payments and caused disturbance or damaged the property.

A good tip when calling their current or previous landlords, is to start the conversation with a specific question about their property before asking about the interested applicant’s professional relationship with them.

Evaluate Background Checks and Credit Reports

In this step, it is important that you gain the potential tenant’s authorization to conduct a background and credit check. When you get this information, you will want to check the following:

  • Prior evictions: If the prospect was ever evicted, you will want to know why as this will definitely impact your decision on whether to rent to them or not.
  • Credit score: As a landlord, you would want a tenant with good credit standing. Most use 680 as a good baseline. You should decide if you’d like to consider interested applicants that have a credit score lower than 680.
  • Record of financial transactions: Check their spending habits and if they lead you to believe they can consistently pay rent.
  • National sex offender check: Confirm if the prospect has the potential to put other tenants or their neighbors at risk.
  • Police record: Your tenants have the right to quiet enjoyment, so you have to make sure that new tenants won’t be a nuisance to neighbors and put your property at risk.

You must take this step carefully as this can show you if your property will be in good hands and if the prospect is reliable in terms of paying rent and keeping your property safe.

Accept or Reject Potential Tenants

All these steps will lead you to decide whether their application is accepted or not. Most landlords inform tenants that they are accepted via email or call. Whatever options you choose, always inform the tenant of the next steps.

If you accept a tenant, ensure that the lease agreement is in writing and discuss all the terms with them before asking them to sign. Be clear and accurate with the details and amount whenever applicable. You need to be sure that they will report things like storm damage, and the lease agreement will go along way assuring that.

Similarly, put your rejection message in writing, this can help you avoid any disputes. There is no need to elaborate on the reason but be ready in case they ask for an explanation.

Be compliant with the Fair Housing Act and remember to refuse applicants for justifiable reasons. You cannot decline a tenant because they are a member of a protected class under the Federal (or your state’s) Fair Housing Act. It is always best to base your judgment on income, credit score and rental history.

Bottom Line

Protect your investment and choose the right fit by conducting a thorough screening process. If these steps seem daunting and you’re unsure how to choose wisely, we at the Level Property Management Group are here to help.

Contact us at the Level Property Management Group today regarding your rental property management needs! We can handle anything from helping you with your marketing to renovations.


Renovating and remodeling your rental can help you get a great return on your investment. Potential long-term renters are attracted to rental properties that are functional, comfortable, and at the same time roomy enough for them to imagine reinventing the space once they move in.

On the other hand, it’s important to know what your renters want while also protecting the value of your property.

Renovations That Amplify Property Value

There are various ways to upgrade your rental property, but it is essential that you know your target market and pursue improvements based on your tenants needs. This can help you avoid over-spending and upgrade the space exactly where it is needed.

That’s why here at the Level Property Management Group, we’ve listed a few functional improvements to your rental property that would help elevate its value and create a fantastic space.

Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal

Updating the curb appeal is a must if you want to make a good first impression to future tenants. It’s natural to evaluate a property’s appeal based on how it looks outside as this is the first thing that potential renters see. Enhancements should be cost-efficient and low maintenance. Some examples of this include:

  • Removing weeds and planting fresh grass
  • Building a flower bed or adding planters in front
  • Trimming bushes and trees
  • Installing new bricks or curbstones
  • Painting the door and exterior of the home

Renovate the Bathrooms

An immaculate bathroom is one of the few places in the property any future tenant will pay close attention to. You should also aim to have a bathroom for every bedroom so your rental will become as attractive as possible to prospective renters.

Some excellent improvement ideas in the bathroom are:

Using sliding doors: maximize the bathroom size by using sliding or pocket doors. Extend your existing counter space so that it can be used by roommates simultaneously.

Add shelves: organize your bathroom supplies and keep your towels in this extra storage space so tenants can easily access them when needed.

Replace the entire toilet or toilet seat: it is a good idea to change the toilet to make the place appear cleaner.

Remodel the Kitchen

Long-term renters believe a modern kitchen is important when hunting for a rental property. Entice them by upgrading your kitchen appliances and replacing the older versions to give your kitchen a cleaner look. Don’t over-spend as many lower-priced appliances can do the job perfectly.

You will find other tips to make your kitchen appear more inviting to future tenants below:

Add a countertop: if you haven’t already, adding a countertop will give your kitchen a fresh look. When investing in one, consider using materials that can withstand scratches, stains, and heat such as granite.

Upgrade the cabinets: Simple deep cleaning, sanding, and painting can really improve your cabinets so, there may not be a need to replace them.

Affordable improvements: Some affordable improvements can include a backsplash with a modern design or installing a kitchen faucet that’s easy to use is also highly recommended.

Add an Open Layout

Modern rentals use open floor plan so prospective renters have the flexibility in maximizing the space.

Open layouts paired with big windows can give a feel of a larger and brighter unit. If there’s a need to take down some walls, seek professional advice before doing so.

Other Easy Property Alterations

Take a good look at the parts of your property that need improvement in your rental. Start with the easy fixes.

You can consider taking on these little projects and replacing these amenities:

Improve home lighting: It’s nice to stay in a house that has good lighting. It affects the mood and ambience of your property. When you get it right, it will complement the upgrades that have been done and improve the whole look of your interior.

Repaint the house: Go for gender neutral shades or classic colors. It will be easy to touch up if a long-term renter requests to change the color. This will also make it easier for you to match the furniture when changing them later.

Investing in amenities: Improved amenities can set your house apart from the competition. This can attract potential long-term tenants and give you a perfect chance to increase rent.

Airconditioning and heating systems, washer and dryer, dishwasher, storage space, and some outdoor areas perfect for fun activities are some of the amenities that you would want to consider upgrading.

Benefits of Revamping Your Rental

It is normal to have second thoughts when planning to remodel the property. But when done correctly, this process will allow you to reap more return on your investment.

When renovating the house, you can always repair or upcycle before you replace. Might require a lot of physical work but this will produce less waste and is much more affordable.

Revamping the property can elevate its value and in turn give you a great opportunity to raise the rent. This can also exceed your tenants’ expectations as the upgrades are supposed to be low maintenance and functional. Keeping tenants’ happy means high occupancy rates.

Bottom Line

Planning to remodel and improve your rental property can take too much of your time. If you’re unsure which room to revamp first, Level Property Management is here to help. We can guide you in upgrading your unit, as well as addressing any other property management needs. Contact us today!


One of your business goals as a rental property owner is to consistently generate income by keeping the property occupied. Property expenses need to be consistently paid and this can be covered by rental income if you have reduced vacancy rates.

Property upkeep and expenses still need to be paid regularly even when you have vacancies. Therefore diligent marketing of your rentals is necessary to prevent you from paying for these costs out of pocket.

At Level Property Management Group, we believe that you can maximize your properties’ exposure by advertising them efficiently. With the right strategy, you can generate more interest in prospective tenants.

Importance of Advertising Your Fairhope Rental Property Successfully

Effectively marketing your Fairhope property will reach potential tenants and become a good avenue for them to access information about your rental.

Advertising your rental property in this day and age allows you to meaningfully engage with interested tenants. This makes your property easily accessible and allows you to answer questions in real time.

This can attract long-term renters and encourage them in making informed decisions before finally signing the lease. As a result, long-term tenants let you earn passive income that pays off property maintenance, mortgage payments, and other fees.

3 Tips for Advertising your Rental

Advertising of your rental property is deemed effective if it promotes customer engagement. We’ve put together a list of reasonable techniques for grabbing potential tenants’ attention and successfully marketing your property.

Property Staging and Photoshoot

Your rental property must be appealing to your potential tenants and encourage them to envision themselves living there. Here are things you need to keep in mind to produce high-quality photos:

  • Stage the Property – To properly set the mood of each room in the house, you must make sure that the home is clean and things are where they’re supposed to be. Whether you’re using props or not when staging the property, the house must appear organized and ready to rent.
  • Invest in HD Photos – You should use high-resolution photos so they will appear clear and crisp when advertising your space. Choosing the right camera and editing software can produce these results.
  • Highlight Best Features – Your photos must show how comfortable the rooms are and how they can fully enjoy and utilize the amenities. It’s best to highlight special spaces like the patio and fire pit to promote fun activities within the premises.
  • Use Appropriate Lighting – When taking photos, you must use good lighting. Take photos in the mid-morning or afternoon so natural light is not too bright or too dark.
  • Make a Shot List – List every room and special amenity you offer before conducting the shoot to ensure that no spaces are missed or forgotten.
  • Practice Your Shots – Take test shots to establish the best angle and lighting. This will save you from having to go back and conduct reshoots.

Listing Creation

Advertising is storytelling so make your listing searchable by choosing the right words. Create a compelling advertising copy by including a striking headline and an engaging summary:

  • Headlines – These are the first thing your audience will see when looking at listings. A striking headline includes the property type, number of beds, bathrooms, cost of rent, location, and an amenity that could attract an interested renter to consider staying long-term. An example would be “$1,013 4-beds, 2-bathroom Home in Fairhope with Quiet Home Office”
  • The Summary – This should include relevant keywords that will make your listing easily accessible online. This part of the copy should help prospective tenants decide whether this is the kind of property they are looking for. Highlight the amenities or renovations provided, describe the best rooms of the house, and include other details that would help them maximize their stay.

When crafting ad copy make sure to target the right audience by including the restrictions or limitations. An example would be your pet policy or rules about subletting. By clearly stating some policies upfront you’ll save both your and the prospect’s time since only truly interested and qualified candidates will apply.

Posting Your Ads

Marketing is all about connecting with interested tenants. To successfully reach these potential renters, you need to publish your listings in different channels to create awareness and provide them with a good avenue to contact you.

Engaging with your potential tenants puts you in a good position to answer their questions quickly and address any potential confusion about the listed property policies.

You can incorporate traditional ways of marketing your rental property but don’t solely depend on them. A professional yard sign is always a good idea to let passersby know about the rental’s availability. And depending on your target market, you can opt to publish your listings in your local newspapers or flyers.

In the digital age, however, potential renters use the internet and social media when searching for homes to stay in. It’s therefore best to post your listings on popular online listing platforms and social media sites.

Once published whether offline or online, always include how your prospective tenants can reach you, and make sure to keep your lines of communication open. Monitor your listings and be readily available to answer any questions.

Bottom Line

To reduce vacancies you need to have an effective marketing plan in place. Start by preparing the property, taking photos, and drafting engaging ad copy. From there post your listings far and wide and monitor their performance.

It can however be a challenge to advertise your rental property’s on your own. If you’re still unsure of where to start, you can reach out to our team Level Property Management Group for help. We are a professional rental property management company that has a proven track record in advertising rental properties, screening potential renters, collecting rent, and so much more.

For your rental property needs in Fairhope and surrounding areas, contact us at 251-210-1664 and we’ll be happy to assist you today!


The Alabama Fair Housing Act was established to provide every American in Alabama an equal opportunity to look for a place to live. To do so without being singled out due to reasons that are out of their control.

All individuals and institutions involved in housing, including sellers, landlords, property managers, banking and financial institutions, agents, insurance companies, real estate brokers, mortgage providers, appraisers, and others should conduct their business in accordance with this law.

As a landlord, you certainly will have to understand the law which is why we at the Level Property Management Group has put together the following article:

Creation of The Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act works with the landlord-tenant laws and aims to protect individuals and entities involved in any housing transaction from being discriminated against. Additionally, this law was created to protect individuals who are susceptible to discriminatory practices due to factors that they cannot control.

Many attempts to create a law providing equal housing opportunities to all Americans have been made since the mid-1800s. But it was only when the 1960s Civil Rights movement took place when any real change happened.

After the first few attempts at creating legislation to counter discrimination, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 became revolutionary when it got made into a law one week after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Protected Classes Under the Fair Housing Act

As an Alabama landlord, it’s important to get a good grasp of what the Fair Housing Act covers to avoid making judgments based on preconceived opinions. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on the seven protected classes:

  • Race: You must avoid denying applicants based on race and ethnicity.
  • Color: It is considered discriminatory to deny someone a housing opportunity after seeing that they’re a person of color.
  • Religion: This class covers the practice and non-practice of religion. It is illegal to evict your tenant because they engage in religious rituals or practices.
  • Sex: Treating an applicant differently because of their gender or gender expression is prohibited by law. Exemption to this rule is when you’re renting out a shared living space or dormitory.
  • Disability: You cannot refuse housing to a differently abled renter or require a higher security deposit should they have an assistance animal.
  • Familial Status: Meaning having children under 18 in a household, including pregnant women. Establishing different terms or conditions in home selling or renting to a family with minor children is prohibited by this law.
  • National Origin: Providing different housing accommodations or amenities to applicants because of their national origin is illegal.

It is essential to know what is considered discriminatory under the Fair Housing Law. Treat all prospective tenants equally. The Fair Housing Act protects both you and your tenants. Use it as a guide when consequences need to be given to renters who breached the lease agreement, or for other valid, non-discriminatory reasons.

Exemptions to the Fair Housing Act

The below groups may be exempt from the following Fair Housing Act:

  • Sale or lease of single-family homes without using a licensed broker
  • Owner-occupied homes with four units or less
  • Private organizations or clubs that are exclusive to their registered members only

How Landlords Can Avoid Discrimination

As a landlord, it is important to know the Fair Housing Act by heart to avoid unintentionally committing violations and end up paying the price.

Housing discrimination can be very subtle and you may not be aware that you are already violating the Fair Housing Act. Even if your actions are well-intended, it is considered discriminatory against tenants just the same.

It is necessary that you understand your legal obligations as a landlord and consistently apply it to all tenants. The following are some helpful tips to remain compliant with the Fair Housing Act:

  • Be consistent: Tenant screening should be done the same way every time and all the steps should be applied to every applicant each time. Property maintenance should be provided to every existing renter. Similarly, the same consequences should be applied to every tenant who violates the lease agreement.
  • Be fair: Fairness to tenants must be applied at all stages of the renter-landlord relationship, not just during the application. Treat every tenant equally and professionally.
  • Be impartial: Make objective decisions and base your lease agreement within the Fair Housing Act. Document your rental decisions. Keep a record of all application documents and request them from all applicants.
  • Be inclusive. Advertise your rental properties to everyone. Market your rental property to all interested applicants, regardless of whether they belong to the protected categories or not. Be honest when answering inquiries and be transparent about the property’s availability.

Bottom Line

The Alabama Fair Housing Act is an important piece of legislation that all Alabama landlords must understand. So, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

It’s a fantastic idea to partner with the Level Property Management Group and let us manage your property in compliance with this law. We can prevent any unnecessary fines and unintentional violations and contact us today!

Disclaimer: This blog should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state. Laws change, and this post might not be updated at the time of your reading. Please contact us for any questions you have in regard to this content or any other aspect of your property management needs.


Looking to set your Fairhope property up to rent?

If you are, that move can be highly lucrative. The potential passive income from your rental property can help you boost your savings or pay down the mortgage.

That said, being a successful landlord takes more than just renting out your property. Just like any other investment, you’ll need to get certain things right.

At the Level Property Management Group, we believe renting out your house is a great way to secure passive income. So here are the basic steps of turning your home into an investment property.

Know Your Responsibilities

Being a landlord comes with many responsibilities. For one, it’ll be your responsibility to market the property in order to find a tenant. This can prove to be extremely daunting during a down market or in a competitive area.

Another responsibility you’ll have is tenant selection. Of course, you’ll want to rent to a high quality tenant that pays rent on time, notifies you of maintenance issues, and abides by all policies. As such, you’ll need to have a proper tenant selection mechanism in place.

Other responsibilities include:

  • Collecting rent
  • Drafting a lease agreement
  • Evicting a tenant
  • Setting a rental price
  • Maintaining the property

Observe Landlord-Tenant Laws

Landlords have to abide by a number of laws in order to not violate their lease. One example of such a law is the Fair Housing Act. As per the act, landlords are required to treat their tenants fairly on the basis of certain protected classes.

The following are protected classes under the Alabama Fair Housing Act: race, color, religion, nationality, familial status, sex, and disability.

Another legal responsibility you have is in regard to landlord entry. For all non-emergency situations, you must provide your tenant with 2 days’ advance written notice. The only time you’d not require providing your tenant with advance notice is during an emergency or under court orders.

There are also the security deposit laws that you must abide by. These outline the rules that landlords must abide by when asking for a security deposit from tenants. For instance, in Alabama, the most you can ask as a security deposit is the equivalent of one month’s rent.

Prepare the Home

Quality tenants tend to rent homes that are also of a high quality. No quality tenant will rent a home that has leaky faucets, that’s unclean, or generally uncared for.

To get your home ready for occupation, you should do the following things to make it desirable to prospects.

  • Give it a thorough cleaning.
  • Spruce up the curb appeal.
  • Repaint tired looking walls.
  • Give it an upgrade.
  • Replace old, inefficient appliances with new ones.

Market the Property

At this point, you’re now ready to start marketing the property. So, identify what makes the property stand out and then begin drafting a quality rental ad. A good rental ad is one that contains a captivating headline, a proper property description, and quality photos.

Next, start the distribution process. Distribute the ad as extensively as you possibly can. Use a combination of platforms for the best results. Such as, social media, rental listing sites, yard signs, flyers and posters, and community bulletin boards.

Price the Property Correctly

Before you begin listing the property, know how much you’re going to rent out the property for. The right rental price will help you attract the right tenants all while ensuring you make a good return on your investment.

The best way to determine the rental price is to hire a professional, especially if you’re just starting out. A good property management company will have the experience and resources to conduct a thorough market analysis.

Screen All Prospects

Don’t just rent to any tenant that shows interest in renting your Fairhope property. Start the pre-screening process immediately if a prospect contacts you. Find out when and why they are moving, what they do for a living, what they earn, how many people will be living with them, etc.

Next, schedule a property showing with the tenants who pass the pre-screening process. After this process, require the interested prospects to fill out an application form and then verify their information. The verification should entail calling prior landlords and current employers and running background checks.

Hire a Property Management Company

Many different responsibilities go into renting out a home in Fairhope. You need to know how to market it effectively, screen prospective tenants, collect rent on a consistent basis, and repair and maintain it, among other things.

If you’re just starting out, these responsibilities may become stressful and possibly overwhelming. Ultimately, you may find yourself running into losses.

When hiring a property management company, you achieve stress-free property management experience. You’ll no longer have to worry about filling vacancies, finding tenants, evictions, rent collection, responding to maintenance issues, or even staying compliant with applicable laws.

Bottom Line

Now you know how to rent out your house in Fairhope. But as you can see, it isn’t exactly an easy process. It is a multi-process that has to be done right. If you’re just starting out, or have a full-time job, or are expanding your investment portfolio, hiring a property management professional might be the most ideal situation for you.

Speaking of a professional, Level Property Management Group can help. We can help you handle all aspects of managing your rental property. We have been in business for over 15 years and are committed to helping you achieve your goals. Get in touch to learn more today!

Disclaimer: This blog should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state. Laws change, and this post might not be updated at the time of your reading. Please contact us for any questions you have in regard to this content or any other aspect of your property management needs.


Real estate is one of the best and most time-tested investment options that that you can involve yourself in. Experienced investors know that real estate can provide reliable income, tax deductions, and consistent growth in value. But you can only enjoy the full benefits of property ownership and leasing if you invest in the right location and neighborhood.

With close to 2 decades of experience helping property investors and managing rental property, we at the Level Property Management Group believe Fairhope is a great place to realize your investment dreams. To that end, we have compiled the following article to show any investor exactly why Fairhope is a great place for their invest investment.

A Growing Population

As a landlord, you should keep an eye on the growth of the population in the area you are investing in. Population growth usually precedes an increase in housing demand and giving you a chance to maximize the potential of your rental, bring in higher returns.

With this in mind, over the past decade Fairhope has experienced a burst in its population. This should be music to the ears of any real estate investor looking to invest in Fairhope real estate. As, if there was a time to invest in Fairhope, it is now.

A Vibrant Economy

A stable job can go along way to assure you that a renter can meet their financial obligations. Resulting in a more consistent stream of income for you.

The economy in Fairhope is quite diverse with a variety of industries including agriculture, construction, retail, transportation, and finance giving the city great economic stability. Thanks to the variety of employment options, the unemployment rate in Fairhope is down to single digits.

Buyer-Friendly Housing Costs

Compared to other forms of investment, the entry cost of real estate investment is high. Investors are always looking for affordable options so that they can start their real estate journey quicker. Fairhope fits this description completely.

The median cost of a home in Fairhope is substantially lower than the national average. So, you should be able to easily afford an investment property in Fairhope compared to if you were to invest in Huntsville, Birmingham, or Montgomery.

Range of Investment Options

In Fairhope, you are not limited to one type of real estate investment option. You have a wide range of real estate in Fairhope to choose from including detached housing, condos, townhouses, commercial properties and many more.

For those who would like an investment option closer to the action, you can consider downtown Fairhope. Here your main type of renters will be the professionals who prefer the entertainment options that are in close proximity.

You could also choose to invest in Fairhope’s suburban areas. The two notable types of investment options here are either bungalows or maisonettes (both are single-family residences). Multi-rental options are also available. Thanks to its location next to the bay, you can also invest in a beach-front property.

Thanks to the use of vacation rental applications such as Airbnb and Booking.com, investors have the option of choosing the short-term vacation route. You can also ask our experts at Level Property Management to advise you on the best amenities and fittings that will lure in those types of renters.

Plenty of Attractions and Activities

With the growth in Fairhope’s population along with the many businesses that are now finding a home here, amenities and attractions would not be fair behind. To this end, Fairhope has introduced many different attractions to keep its residents happy.

One notable mention is the Fairhope Private beach. While may might be required to pay an entry fee, the beach is well-maintained and offers many different entertainment options. You can fire up the barbeque and grill your own meat and after enjoying a game of volleyball or use of any of the other equipment on the private beach.

Low Cost of living

The discussion going around the country and the world over is the rise in cost of living. Inflation has surged leading to an increase in the cost of gas, utilities, and food. The rational renter will be looking into where they can cut costs and still enjoy quality housing.

Residents of Fairhope tend to pay less for transportation, healthcare, insurance, and utilities. The reduced cost of living allows them to make savings that can be channeled towards education and investments.
Renters are also considering housing options in places like Fairhope thanks to the implementation of work-from-home policies in companies.

Many Events in the Community

What makes Fairhope a target for families is the community events that are held throughout the year. They help new residents fit into the community and are also the perfect way for the residents to know one another.

Some of the worthwhile mentions include the Springs Arts & Craft Festival during the spring and the Lighting of the Trees which is held in November in preparation for Christmas. For both events, the city comes alive with visitors from the neighboring suburbs.

Bottom Line

With its affordable housing, cost of living, and great location, it is no surprise that investors and are looking for opportunities in Fairhope. But that is not the only thing that you should consider. To grow your real estate investment, you must also be prudent and create reliable property management strategies for your rentals.

While some landlords prefer self-management, you need not go the same route. Unburden yourself by relying on the leading service provider in the region, Level Property Management Group.

We manage hundreds of rental properties in the region and have established ourselves as the go-to company for all things property. You can rely on us to offer you sound and professional advice to


Mother Nature can wreak havoc on your rental property. Mother Nature’s numerous weapons of tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, ice, snow, and wind can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, damage to your property. Preparing for these disasters and knowing what to do can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches.

Follow these steps to ensure your rental property is restored as quickly as possible and you’re not left out in the rain.

Ensure That Your Tenants Are Safe, Assess the Damage

Any good landlord will also check on the well-being of the tenants. Significant storms can be terrifying, so your tenants could feel the aftershock of terror. Ensure they are safe, secure, and immediate needs have been arranged for them in the storm’s aftermath. Depending on the severity of the situation, they could be displaced for quite some time.

Additionally, it could ruin their belongings. Their rental insurance policy could cover the replacement of their belongings and help with additional living expenses while preparing the property.

Once you have evaluated the damage to your rental property and have a list of what needs repairs, you’ll need to coordinate with your tenants. You will want to do this in writing. The notification should include:

  • A description of the repairs needed for each room in their unit. This information will help them understand how long they may be without power or water.
  • Whether or not they can stay at home during repairs (you cannot force them out). If not, where else is available for them to stay?
  • How much rent is being charged for the repair period and other associated costs such as storage fees if necessary?

Assess the Damage

If the storm was particularly severe, please check if authorities permit re-entry to the area. Once the all-clear has been provided, thoroughly check your property to understand the entire scope of the situation.

When you first get to your rental property after a storm, there are some things you need to check.

  • Check for fire damage. Look for scorch marks or other signs of heat damage on the walls and ceilings. Also, check for smoke damage on walls and furniture. Ensure that all electrical outlets are off.
  • Check for water damage. If you notice standing water in any area of your home, it’s essential to determine whether it’s safe before removing items from that space. If it isn’t safe yet (due to flooding), take photos of everything so you can properly assess what needs cleaning once the flood has receded, and safely remove those items yourself (taking care not to put yourself at risk).
  • Check structural stability by opening cabinets or drawers where heavy objects may have shifted due to their contents shifting around during the storm. This step should also include inspecting exterior areas such as decks/porches. If any part appears unsafe, ensure no one goes near them until they’ve been inspected by professionals who know what they’re doing (and maybe even replaced entirely).

The best way to document the damage is through photos and videos. Take these photos/videos before you start the cleanup process, so you can remember what it looked like before you started working. If any personal items have been damaged or destroyed, take pictures of them too. A video recording can help show the extent of water damage in your rental property and provide proof if any disputes about who is responsible for repairs come up later down the road.

Contact Your Insurance Company To Begin Your Claim

If you find yourself making an insurance claim for storm damage, hopefully, you’ve already determined what your policy covers. Not all policies are created equal. You don’t want to wait until a disaster to ask the right questions. You’ll want to be sure to tell your insurance agent about any known damage and about tenants that were affected by the damage.

Your insurance agent should be able to walk you step-by-step through what to do to file your claim successfully and begin the repair process.

Protect Your Asset from Further Damage

If the exterior structure of your property has been compromised, it’s essential to secure your property and protect it from further outside damage. That may include but is not limited to boarding a broken window and securing a tarp on your roof as you wait to complete larger repairs. It can be as important as the repairs as it can prevent extensive problems.

You may also want to consider the following: locking doors and windows, turning off all utilities—gas, water, electricity—and making sure there are no leaks from broken pipes or other sources of damage. You’ll want to ensure everything is secure before tenants return home after lifting the evacuation orders and before contractors come in to begin repairs themselves.

Check for any needed immediate repairs to prevent further damage. Also, do not hesitate to hire a trusted professional if you need assistance to secure your property and prevent further damage.

Find a Trusted Professional to Do the Repairs

Your local insurance agent may have a list of trusted restoration companies that can return your property to an inhabitable investment. If not, then you want to be sure that you find a reputable professional that can act as your one-stop shop to clean up your property and return it to a like-new condition. Not all restoration companies are the same. So, be sure to read reviews and research to find the right one. The right company will help restore your property quickly and reduce the pain of the disaster.


Fairhope, Alabama is a beautiful city located on the Eastern shore of Mobile Bay. It is known for its charming Southern atmosphere and picturesque scenery. The city has a lot to offer residents and visitors alike. Its location on Mobile Bay provides access to fishing, boating, and other water activities. It is also home to several parks and nature trails.

The real estate market in Fairhope is diverse, with something to offer everyone from first-time home buyers to those looking for their forever home to any Fairhope real estate investor. Whether you’re looking for a historic home with character or a newer home with modern amenities, you’re sure to find it in Fairhope.

In this post, we at the Level Property Management Group take you through the best neighborhoods in Fairhope to look into for your investment portfolio. You’ll discover which areas of the region provide the greatest potential for real estate investors.

Best Fairhope Neighborhoods to Buy Real Estate

The following are a few of the best neighborhoods in Fairhope, Alabama, to look into for real estate investment:

Fruit and Nut

If you’re thinking of investing in real estate in the Fairhope area, Fruit and Nut is a great neighborhood to consider. The area is known for its charming homes, beautiful parks, safe streets, and convenient location.

Fruit and Nut is situated close to downtown Fairhope, making it easy to get to the city’s many restaurants, shops, and attractions. In addition, Fruit and Nut is within walking distance of Mobile Bay, making it a great place to enjoy the city’s waterfront.

If you’re looking for an investment property that will offer you a great return, Fruit and Nut is a neighborhood you should definitely explore.

Fairhope Golf Homes

Fairhope Golf Homes is a very sought-after Fairhope submarket. Fairhope Golf Homes are located in the heart of Fairhope and offers residents quick access to all that Fairhope has to offer.

This is a community of single-family homes that surrounds the Fairhope Municipal Golf Course. This neighborhood is popular with retirees and second-home owners, as it provides a maintenance-free lifestyle and scenic views.

In addition, Fairhope Golf Homes offers residents wonderful amenities such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts, and more. Rental properties in Fairhope Golf Homes are in high demand and can generate healthy returns for investors.

Fairhope Golf Homes are a great option for those investors looking to tap into renters looking for a safe, family-friendly neighborhood with great schools and easy access to all that the Gulf Coast has to offer.

Lakewood Golf Club Estates

Lakewood Golf Club Estates is one of the best Fairhope neighborhoods for real estate investment. The homes in this neighborhood are well-maintained and its landscaping is beautiful. Lakewood Golf Club Estates is also close to a variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment options.

Homes in this neighborhood typically appreciate in value at a faster rate than homes in other Fairhope neighborhoods. As a result, Lakewood Golf Club Estates is an excellent choice for those looking to invest in Fairhope real estate.


Montrose is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Fairhope for real estate investment. The area is known for its large, stately homes on generous lots, as well as its convenient location near downtown.

The neighborhood is also home to a number of historic homes and buildings, which add to its charm. Interestingly, Montrose was originally developed as a retirement community but today, the Montrose Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Thanks to its convenient location and rich history, Montrose is sought by many renters, making it an excellent choice for those looking to invest in Fairhope real estate. Montrose is also home to several parks and recreation facilities, making it a great place for those renters looking to raise a family.

Point Clear

Point Clear is one of the most beautiful and sought-after neighborhoods in Fairhope, Alabama. This historic community is situated on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay and is known for its convenient location, well-maintained homes, and friendly atmosphere.

Real estate in Point Clear ranges from starter homes to million-dollar estates. If you are looking to add single-family homes, townhouses, and condominiums to your investment portfolio then Point Clear has a variety of great housing options.

In recent years, Point Clear has seen an influx of new residents, many of whom are attracted to the area’s laid-back lifestyle and close-knit community. With its prime location and abundance of amenities, Point Clear is an excellent choice for real estate investors.

Stone Creek

Stone Creek is another great Fairhope neighborhood for real estate investment. The neighborhood is centrally located, just minutes from downtown and all the shopping and dining that Fairhope has to offer.

Stone Creek is also home to some of the city’s most beautiful parks and green spaces, which make it a desirable place to live for families and young professionals of who form the largest share of renters.

In addition, the neighborhood has a strong sense of community, with an active homeowners’ association that sponsors social events and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. If you’re looking for a solid investment in Fairhope real estate, Stone Creek is a neighborhood that you should definitely consider.

In a Nutshell: Best Real Estate Markets in Fairhope

When it comes to real estate investing, location is everything. So, when it comes to finding the ideal location, there are few places that can match Fairhope, Alabama. Situated on the shores of Mobile Bay, Fairhope is a charming small town with a rich history and a thriving economy.

Thanks to its mild climate and its fantastic recreational opportunities, Fairhope is a popular destination for retirees and second-home owners. As a result, the town has a wide range of housing options, from beachfront condos to stately Victorian homes.

Best of all, property values in Fairhope have remained steady even in the face of economic volatility. For these reasons, Fairhope is an attractive option for real estate investors seeking long-term stability and healthy returns.

If you have any inquiries about investment opportunities in Fairhope, Alabama, don’t be hesitant to get in touch with Level Property Management Group right away.


At Level Property Management, we understand that, no matter how good your tenants are they could break their lease. This could happen for a variety of reasons that could be both within or without the law’s support.

As a landlord, it is important that you are familiar with your rights and your tenants’ rights when it comes to the potential early termination of a lease. So, we at Level Property Management have put together the following article so that you can understand where you stand should a tenant try and break their lease and keep your property rent ready.

Renters Rights & Responsibilities When Signing a Lease in Alabama

Before we go into exactly how and why a lease could be broken, its important to first have an overview of a renters rights and responsibilties in Alabama. As violations of any of these terms usually form the basis of an attempt to break a lease.

Under the Alabama Landlord Tenant Laws, renters have the following rights:

  • To live in a habitable property and be treated fairly as described by the Fair Housing Act.
  • To have any repairs made within a reasonable period after requesting them from the landlord.
  • Be provided all facilities and amenities promised in the lease.
  • To be taken through the proper eviction process, should it apply.
  • Have their security deposit managed correctly and returned within the guidelines of Alabama law.

Similar to landlords, renters also have several responsibilites that they must follow under the Alabama landlord-tenant laws:

  • To keep the property clean and habitable.
  • To pay rent, on time, as per the lease agreement.
  • To avoid damage as much as possible and report it if damage occurs.
  • Not to cause unnecessary disturbance to other tenants or neighbors.
  • Not to partake in illegal activity while at the rental property.
  • Allow reasonable access to the landlord so that they can carry out their responsibilities.
  • Notify the landlord prior to moving or be away from the property for an extended period.

Legally Unjustified Reasons for Tenants to Break their Lease in Alabama

As a landlord, you should be aware that the law provides renters with a few legal reasons for breaking there lease. But, these reason’s aren’t very common, in our experience a renter is more likey to try and break their lease for a reason that is not supported by the law, such as the following:

Moving into a New Property

One of the main reasons that an Alabama tenant may leave your rental property is that if they choose to move into a new one. However, the terms of your lease agreement will be very specific about its start and end date.

Tenants may view moving to a new property as a justifiable reason for leaving a rental property and breaking a lease. But the Alabama laws do not support them in this circumstance. Should a tenant move out before this end date, no matter what property they move to, then they would have illegally broken their lease and be liable as per the Alabama laws.

Relocating Nearer A School or Workplace

Proximity to work and school would have been an important part of your tenants decision making process when they selected your property. Equally, should these circumstances change, a tenant may be motivated to move out before the lease ends to their new school or workplace.

But, as important as this may be to your tenant, the dates at which your lease agreement starts and ends are iron clad. Similarly, Alabama laws do not view this as a reason why someone could legally break their lease.

Moving In With a Friend or Partner

Circumstances for your tenants can change, they may have a new partner or financial circumstances, but this does not impact the state of your lease. If a tenant chooses to leave your property to move in with another person, then the law does not support them if they try and break their lease.

In this case, the renter must keep up their responsibilties under the lease and the Alabama laws.

Moving Out and Away From A Partner After Divorce or Seperation

Seperations and divorces are incredibly stressful, especially if the parties live together. But this will not impact your lease agreement. The terms of the lease agreement in this case are more legally important than the terms two parties may leave each other over.

Therefore, if a tenant of yours chooses to leave your property because they can no longer live with other parties who are there, they are still obligated to maintain their responsibilties as per the lease agreement.

Legally Justified Reasons for Tenants to Break their Lease in Alabama

Even though the majority of lease breaches come from a place that the Alabama law doesn’t support. There are some circumstances in which a tenant can break their lease legally. These reasons are incredibly important for you to be aware of as all of them are avoidable or you can prepare for.

  • Early Termination Clause: Should you include one in your lease, the law will support it.
  • The Unit is Not Habitable: If you fail to meet the Alabama habitability standards, you’d be in violation of the Ala. Code § 35-9A-204. As a result, the law considers you to have “constructively” evicted your tenant.
  • Violating the tenant’s privacy As per Alabama landlord-tenant law, a landlord must provide their tenant with advance notice prior to them entering the property. Specifically, you must serve them a 24 hours’ advance notice prior to accessing their unit. The only exception to this is in case of an emergency or where there is a court order.
  • Landlord Harassment or exaggerating or falsifying improper conduct by the tenant in order to evict the tenant.

The law will support a tenant for any of the above reasons, but its important to know that that service members are treated differantly under Alabama law with respect to when they can break a lease agreement.

The Tenant Enters Active Military Duty

Joining active military duty usually involves being deployed or changing location. If any of these occur, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) will protect the tenant against any penalties for breaking the lease early.

The protection by the act begins immediately when the military assignment starts and ends 30 to 90 days after getting discharged.

This, however, doesn’t mean that the tenant can just leave unannounced. They have an obligation to notify you of their intention to leave, as well as provide you a copy of the deployment letter.

Once they have done this, the earliest the lease can end is 30 days after the next rent period has started. According to code § 35-10-70 of Alabama law, the protection by the act only applies to the following.

  • The United States Coast Guard
  • Armed forces (both on reserve and regular)
  • Alabama National Guard on ordered federal duty

Landlord’s Duty to Find a Replacement Tenant in Alabama

Landlords in Alabama have a duty to mitigate damages. In other words, landlords have a responsibility to make reasonable steps to re-rent their unit after their tenant leaves.

Bottom Line

If you have a question regarding the Alabama landlord-tenant laws or need expert help in managing your Fairhope rental property, Level Property Management Group can help. We have over 15 years of property management experience in Fairhope and the surrounding areas. Get in touch to learn more!

Disclaimer: Laws change frequently, and this blog may not have been updated to reflect that. Therefore, this blog isn’t a substitute for professional legal advice from a qualified attorney or property management company.


Tenants have an obligation to abide by all the terms of the lease agreement after signing it. Sadly, this does not always happen. Your Alabama tenant could stop their rent payments, cause negligent property damage, or even engage in illegal activity.

In those such cases, Alabama laws would allow you to evict a tenant. But that would not mean locking out the tenant, removing their belongings, or shutting down their utilities. You need to follow the process as laid out through the Alabama laws.

If you’re looking to evict a tenant who has broken their lease, or simply want to know more on the process, here’s a quick guide:

Eviction Notice

The notice is what starts an eviction process in the state of Alabama. But the specific notice you serve depends on the violation the tenant has committed. The following are the legitimate reasons to evict a tenant and the corresponding notice you must serve.

Nonpayment of Rent

This is a common reason for eviction in Alabama. To begin the eviction process for this reason, you must serve the tenant with a 7-Day Notice to Pay. This will give the tenant 7 business days to either pay the rent due or move out. If the tenant doesn’t take either option, you can move to court and proceed with the eviction.

Lease Violation

A tenant has the responsibility of abiding by the terms of the lease agreement after signing it. If they don’t, you can provide them with a 7-Day Notice to Comply in order to begin the eviction process.

The notice gives them an opportunity to cure the violation before they can be evicted. Lease violations that fall under this category include excessive property damage and having an unauthorized pet.

If the tenant corrects their violation, then you must stop the eviction proceedings. However, if they don’t, you may proceed with the eviction process after the 7 days are over. Be mindful of the security deposit in this circumstance.

Misleading Information on the Rental Agreement

Alabama eviction laws also allow landlords to evict a tenant for including false or misleading information on their rental applications – be wary of adhering to the Fair Housing Act in this case. You must serve them a 7-Day Notice to Quit prior to moving to court.

End of Lease

You can also evict a tenant who overstays after their lease is over. Before evicting them, you must serve them a notice depending on the tenancy type in operation. If they pay rent on a monthly basis, you must serve them a 30-Day Notice to Quit.

But if they pay rent on a weekly basis, you must serve them a 7-Day Notice to Quit. If the tenant remains in the property after the 7 or 30 days are over, you can proceed with the eviction.

Material Health or Safety Violation

Your tenant has a responsibility to abide by the health, safety, and building codes. If they violate them, you can begin the eviction proceedings by serving them a 7-Day Notice to Comply.

Illegal Activity

Before you can move to court to file an eviction action, you must serve the tenant with a 7-Day Notice to Quit. Illegal activity includes drug activity, illegal firearm activity, or criminal assault. In some scenarios, you won’t have an obligation to notify them first, before evicting them.

If the tenant continues to stay after expiry of the notice, you may proceed with the eviction process.

Summons & Complaint

The next step in the eviction process is to file a complaint in a relevant court and the filing fees vary depending on the county in which your property is located. A process server must serve the summons and complaint on the tenant at least 6 days before the hearing.

Answer is Filed

Once the tenant has received the summons and complaint, they will have the option to serve the court with an answer within 7 days. Basically, the answer is a document that allows a tenant to state the reasons why they shouldn’t be evicted.

Common defenses include:

  • The eviction is retaliatory. For example, trying to evict the tenant because of complaint about a safety or health violation.
  • The eviction process was illegal. You, for instance, tried to get the tenant to leave by shutting down utilities, removing their belongings, or locking them out.
  • The eviction notice had errors. Alabama eviction laws require landlords to follow a strict process. For example, an eviction notice would become defective if it missed an essential information like the date the period must leave.
  • The tenant complied with the eviction notice. For instance, paid the due rent within the notice period.
  • The eviction is based solely on the tenant’s race, color, nationality, religion, or any other protected class. Discriminating a tenant against any of these things would be in violation of the Fair Housing Act.

Court Hearing

Alabama laws don’t specify when eviction hearings must be held. That said, they often take a priority over other civil type cases.

If the tenant filed an answer, the court would provide the tenant an opportunity to substantiate their claims. However, if they didn’t and failed to show up, the court may provide a default judgment in your favor.

But whether you win via ether a default judgment or a successful court ruling, the court will issue you a writ of execution. This will be the tenant’s final notice to leave. If they don’t, the sheriff will return 7 days later and forcefully evict them on your behalf.

Bottom Line

Understanding the eviction laws in Alabama is important for any landlord hoping to operate a successful business there. If you have any further questions its best to contact an expert property management company like ourselves at the Level Property Management Group. Contact us today and we can get your property rent ready!

Disclaimer: This blog isn’t a substitute for professional legal advice from a qualified attorney. Laws change and this information may no longer be up to date. For expert legal help in this regard or any other aspect of property management, Level Property Management Group can help. Get in touch to learn more!


Every Alabama landlord or landlords have the right to demand their tenant pay a security deposit prior to signing a lease. But the management of the tenant’s original deposit is something that is controlled by the statewide security deposit laws and landlord tenant laws.

So, having an understanding of the laws surrounding the landlord tenant relationship is critical when managing an Alabama security deposit. With this in mind, we at Level Property Management Group have put together the following guidelines regarding the state’s security deposit laws.

Is There a Limit to How Much You Can Ask For a Security Deposit in Alabama?

Yes! The Alabama landlord tenant laws state that the maximum limit a landlord can charge a tenant for security deposit is one month’s rent. This however, doesn’t include any other deposits a landlord can charge their tenant, like charging a tenant a pet deposit or one for property modifications.

Can Landlords Charge Tenants an Additional Deposit in Alabama?

Yes! Under the state’s security deposit laws, a landlord has the right to charge their tenant an additional deposit should you allow pets. This pet deposit helps absorb some of the costs of wear and tear that the pet might cause to your Alabama home. Just like the regular security deposit, a pet deposit is a one-time charge that a tenant pays upfront for keeping a pet.

That said, you can’t charge a pet deposit for a service animal. According to the Alabama Fair Housing Act, a tenant with a disability who’s living with a service animal also has a right to full and equal housing access.

As for any damage the service animal might cause, you can hold the tenant liable for the repair costs without breaking the lease or violating the Fair Housing Act.

What Are Acceptable Reasons for Deposit Deductions?

After a tenant moves out of their rental unit, Alabama landlords might be able to make certain deductions to their security deposit, such as:

  • For unpaid rent.
  • For costs arising from damages exceeding normal wear and tear or other costs to get the rental unit ready to rent.

What is the Difference Between ‘Normal Wear and Tear’ and Excessive Damage?

‘Normal wear and tear’ is the term for normal deterioration a property undergoes with age. These are minor issues such as faded paint, scuffed wallpaper, grout on tiles and a faded carpet due to normal, everyday tenant use.

Excessive damage, on the other hand, refers to damage to a home that occurs due to accident, abuse, misuse, negligence or carelessness. These are serious issues and include things like missing windows or doors, a missing curtain, a ripped off tile or a ripped carpet.

As an Alabama landlord, you’re only allowed to make deductions to a tenant’s unit if that tenant causes excessive damage. Costs of fixing damages occurring due to normal wear and tear fall under the responsibilities of Alabama landlords.

Do Security Deposits Earn Interest in Alabama?

There are no specific laws in Alabama requiring landlords to store their tenants’ deposits in a specific manner. As such, you can store it in any manner you see fit.

Do You Have to Charge all Tenants the Same Security Deposit?

No, it doesn’t have to be equal. According to Alabama landlord tenant laws however, it must be based on the same scale. While the deposit must be equivalent to one month’s rent, the security deposit can differ if the monthly rent for the rental property is different as well.

For instance, suppose you have two apartment units with a rent of $1,000 and $1,500. In such a case, the security deposit you can ask for the two apartment units can’t exceed the rent prices of $1,000 and $1,500, respectively.

Do You Have to Provide a Receipt After Receiving Their Security Deposit?

No, as per Alabama Security Deposit laws, a landlord isn’t required to provide their Alabama tenant a receipt of their security deposit after receiving it.

Are Walk-Through Inspections Required in the State of Alabama?

Generally, walk-through inspections can happen anywhere between one or two weeks before a tenant moves out. During these inspections, both the landlord and tenant can examine the condition of the property relative to its move-in state.

As per Alabama landlord tenant laws, the tenant will have to fix any excessive damage found prior to moving out. If they don’t fix excessive damages to the unit, the landlord will have to fix the damage and make appropriate deductions to the tenant’s security deposit.

How Much Time do Alabama Landlords Have to Return a Tenant’s Security Deposit?

According to Alabama landlord tenant laws, landlords have exactly 35 days to return their tenant’s security deposit. If an Alabama landlord made any deductions in this time, they need to send their tenant an itemized written statement alongside the remaining portion of deposit. In the statement, the landlord needs to detail the damages done by the tenant, as well as their approximate costs of repair.

Ideally, an Alabama landlord would send the statement to the tenant in question via first class mail, alongside the remaining deposit. It’s your tenant’s responsibility to provide you a valid forwarding address. A tenant’s forfeits their security deposit if they don’t claim their deposit within 180 days. In the event of an eviction, other rules might apply so consult a property management company familiar with Alabama law.

What Happens If I Sell the Property?

If you sell the property, then the new landlord is responsible for the security. Once you sell your property, the incoming landlord inherits the liability of returning any tenant security deposits.

Can a Landlord be Penalized for Wrongfully Withholding Their Tenant’s Security Deposit?

Yes. If you don’t return a tenant deposit within that 35-day window, you might be liable for certain penalties. This might mean you need to pay the tenant double the original security deposit, as well as pay for attorney and court costs.

Can a Tenant Apply the Security Deposit Towards Last Month’s Rent?

No. Security deposits are meant to serve a different purpose than rent and it should be stated as such in the lease. The only exception to this is if both parties agree to such an arrangement in writing, for example, in a clause included in the written lease.

Bottom Line: Understanding Alabama Security Deposit Laws

Understanding the laws for tenant deposits in Alabama is incredibly important for all Alabama landlords as these laws form systems that govern how security deposits are used and when they should be returned.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the expert property managers at Level Property Management Group.

Disclaimer: This blog isn’t a substitute for professional legal advice. Also, laws change, and this information may not be updated at the time you read it. For expert advice, kindly get in touch with Level Property Management Group. We’re a professional and knowledgeable property management company that has been operating for over 15 years.


In the state of Alabama, a landlord-tenant relationship is established after the exchange of rent. At that point, the tenant inherits all rights and responsibilities under the Alabama’s Landlord-Tenant laws (Alabama Code Title 35 Chapter 9A.).

Tenants obtain the right to live in habitable housing, and to be treated regardless of their race, color, or any other protected characteristic.

Every tenant also obtains a list of responsibilities, such as timely payment of rent. As a landlord, the act also provides you a list of rights and responsibilities, as well.

With this in mind, Level Property Management Group has put together the following guide to the Alabama landlord-tenant laws, starting with a description of the disclosures a landlord must give to their tenant.

Required Alabama Landlord Disclosures

In Alabama, a landlord needs to disclose the following information to their tenant.

  • Lead Disclosure: A federal law that requires a landlord to disclose any concentrations of lead paint used in the property. This is only intended for landlords who rent out homes that were built prior to 1978.
  • Authorized Authorities: Landlords also need to disclose the names and addresses of the people authorized to manage the property.

Alabama Tenant Rights & Responsibilities

Every Alabama tenant has the following rights under Alabama landlord-tenant law:

  • To live in peace and quiet within a habitable domicile.
  • To have repairs made within a reasonable period after requesting them from the landlord.
  • To be treated fairly and respectfully by their landlord as defined by the Federal Fair Housing Act.
  • Be provided all facilities and amenities promised by landlords in the lease.
  • To terminate the lease for legally justifiable reasons, provided notice is given to the landlord.
  • Remain in their rented premises until the landlord has followed the proper eviction process and given them notice.
  • Exercise any of their tenant rights without being harassed or retaliated upon by the landlord.
  • Have their security deposit returned within sixty days after moving out.

An Alabama tenant also has a series of responsibilities they need to adhere to under law:

  • Keep the rental unit premises in a clean and sanitary condition.
  • Keep the rented premises free from hazards and damages.
  • Not to cause unnecessary disturbance to other tenants or neighbors.
  • Not to partake in illegal activity while at the rental unit.
  • Not to withhold rent or rental payment from the property owner.
  • Report all maintenance issues to the landlord as soon as possible.
  • Allow reasonable access to the landlord so that they can carry out their responsibilities.
  • Give proper notice the landlord prior to the tenant moving out.
  • Give notice to the landlord when looking to be away for an extended period.
  • Abide by all terms and policies in the rental agreement and not to break it.

Landlords’ Rights & Responsibilities

Just like tenants, every Alabama landlord has a series of rights that need to be respected. An Alabama landlord has the right:

  • To enforce the terms of the lease. For example, charge a fee for tenants to pay in the case of late rent.
  • To make sure the property is rent ready.
  • To change the terms of the lease. If the tenancy has not ended, you need to seek your tenant’s permission first.
  • To charge tenants’ security deposits they need to pay.
  • Terminate a tenancy for lease violation.
  • To receive a proper notice from a tenant who’s looking to move out.
  • To charge your tenant whatever amount of rent you wish, as the state of Alabama doesn’t have rent control laws.
  • Enter the unit of a tenant to carry out important responsibilities, provided proper notice is given to the tenant.

Uniform residential landlord responsibilities include:

  • Providing your tenant with a habitable rental home.
  • Carrying out repairs within a reasonable period after receiving notice from the tenant.
  • Treating your tenant equally regardless of their race, color, nationality, religion, and any other protected characteristic, as per the Fair Housing Act.
  • Following the proper eviction process when removing a tenant from the premises, including giving the tenant an eviction notice.
  • Making certain disclosures to the tenant prior to them signing the lease.
  • Managing a tenant’s security deposit in the manner outlined in law.

Overview of the Landlord-Tenant Laws in Alabama

Landlord Entry

As a landlord, you have a right to enter your tenant’s rented premises provided you give proper notice. But there are certain rules you must adhere to when exercising this fundamental right. For one, the reason for the entry must be legally justifiable. Such as:

  • Under orders of a court to do so.
  • Showing the unit to prospective tenants, lenders or buyers.
  • Inspecting the unit for damage and lease adherence.
  • Entering the property in the event of an emergency.
  • If you have reason to believe the tenant has abandoned the unit.

If you’re going to enter your tenant’s property, you need to give them at least 48 hours’ notice and the entry time must be reasonable and agreed upon by the tenant and adhere to the Fair Housing Act. If you show up without notice, especially repeatedly, your tenant could sue you for harassment.

Small Claims Court

Landlords and tenants can make claims against one another in a small claims court. The claims can arise from conflicts related to the return of security deposits, failure to pay rent, responsibility for property maintenance and eviction.

In Alabama, all claims made at a small claims court are capped at $6,000. Also, most written, or oral contracts have a statute of limitations of up to 6 years.

Housing Discrimination

Certain classes of tenants are protected against any form of discrimination. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, nationality, sex, disability, and familial status.

But unlike some other states, Alabama doesn’t add onto the list of protected classes.

Rent Increase

Alabama doesn’t have a rent control law in place. So, landlords are free to charge whatever amount of rent they wish.

Also, landlord may be able to raise rent legally without having to notify their tenant first. However, please note that you cannot raise rent in a discriminatory manner against a protected class.

Lease Termination

Tenants in the state of Alabama can terminate their lease for certain legally justified reasons. These include:

  • If the tenant is starting active military duty.
  • If the unit becomes uninhabitable.
  • In case of landlord harassment.
  • If there is an early lease termination clause in the lease agreement.

But despite a tenant having any of these reasons, they must still pay all rent and fees for the remaining lease period. This obligation can only end if the landlord is able to find a replacement tenant.

Bottom Line

Understanding Alabama’s landlord-tenant laws is one of the most important steps in becoming a successful real estate investor in the state. Landlords need to consider both their own rights and responsibilities as well as those of their tenants.

If you have any questions its always good to refer to a professional property management company such as our team at Level Property Management Group – contact us today by dialing (251)210-1664 or by emailing leads@levelpmg.com.

Disclaimer: This content isn’t a substitute for professional legal advice. If you have a question regarding this content or any other aspect of property management, please get in touch with our team.


Investing in real estate is a great financial decision that can help you to create wealth if you get it right. But there are many important details you must understand first, in this case, it’s important to understand where you’re investing in.

Fairhope is a cost-effective and unique alternative for real estate investors who are looking to extend their property portfolio in Alabama. With a relatively low profile compared to other major cities such as Birmingham, Fairhope is a great location for property investors for many reasons.

The stable housing market and steady growth in population over the last couple of years is a great sign that your Fairhope investment will grow. No wonder, new and established businesses such as Aldi and 23 Venture have already set up camp here.

All of this means the job market will expand, and more people will move to Fairhope for work. Meaning for property investors, there is an opportunity to invest in the area and enjoy the benefits of the current economic growth and real estate boom.

Even with all of this positivity, getting your facts right regarding property value and other costs such as tax is crucial. In this article, we here at Level Property Management Group will provide helpful tips to help you buy investment property in Fairhope, Alabama.

Top Tips When Buying Investment Property in Fairhope

Create a Budget

Even though property prices are relatively low in the Fairhope area and the larger State of Alabama, it is vital to understand your budget. It helps you to know the type of property you will invest in and where to look.

The housing market in Fairhope is varied, and your budget should dictate whether you will invest in villas and mansions, townhomes and apartments, or condos. This will save you time and effort as you do not need to view properties out of your price range.

When considering the budget, make sure to include all other associated costs, including taxes, renovation expenses, and closing costs.

Choose the Best Neighborhood

Fairhope has a range of attractive and friendly neighborhoods to invest in. To boost your return on investment and generate higher income, invest in neighborhoods that charge higher rent – as long as it is in line with your budget.

After all, the higher the income, the higher the potential returns on investment, and the faster you can reach a profitable state. The price-to-rent ratio, or an experienced property management company can also help determine the highest amount you can charge for rent.

Look for neighborhoods with a low price-to-rent ratio as they show potentially more lucrative markets for you to invest in.

Hire a Property Management Company

Managing a property in a new area can be a challenge. That is especially so where you are unfamiliar with the housing laws and regulations. But hiring professional local property managers such as the Level Property Management Group can help you to overcome these challenges.

In addition, property management professionals can handle all day-to-day obligations of your Fairhope property, including marketing, repairs, maintenance, building relationships and responding to any requests by occupants. Hiring an established property management firm is in a great option to avoid the stress of day-to-day property management obligations.

Find the Right Location

Fairhope has plenty of great neighborhoods so you should take your time to understand its housing market and the market in the surrounding suburbs. You should find out where the demand for houses is and so where the rental values are higher.

It is also necessary to consider the prospects of a neighborhood. Some areas may not be desirable but have the potential for future growth in line with governments or private companies’ development plans.
Finding the right neighborhood means your property will not sit on the market for long, and you can generate higher returns on investment.

Improve your Property

Once you have identified the right property in Fairhope and sealed the deal, you should ensure it stays in peak condition. Think of ways to make the property more appealing and attractive to prospective occupants.

If an outdoor garden would give you a competitive edge, go for it. Other ways of making your property more attractive include repainting and updating fixtures. You can even go the extra mile and offer free services such as high-speed internet or laundry services for carpets.

In a Nutshell: Real Estate Investing Tips in Fairhope, Alabama

There are many major markets whose exposure and popularity give them a high ranking in the national housing market. But there are some challenges that can make it hard for new entrants to enter those markets. Fairhope, Al offers a cheaper and lucrative alternative for property investors.

Just like any other investment, it is important to familiarize yourself with the area by researching widely before buying property in Fairhope, AL. The tips highlighted above in this article should give you a head start to identify the right property.

If you are new in the Fairhope property market, seeking the help of local property managers such as Level Property Management Group can make your experience seamless and rewarding in the long term.